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So what about those variants that were in the Beginner's Box Game Master's Guide?

Hey guys, I'm a newish GM and am having trouble with the Bestiary.
To convey my problem, I'll use an example: I want my players to encounter orcs, but I want there to be different tiers of orcs (say, regular orcs who are CR 1/3 in the Bestiary, but then I'd like to have different tiers like an Orc Berserker who may be a CR 1 and an Orc Chieftain who may be a CR 2). In the Pathfinder Bestiary the only Orc entry is the regular CR 1/3 Orc. In the Game Master's Guide that came with my Beginner's Box, however, there are more variants on monsters like the Orc Boss who is a CR 2 or a Goblin Boss who is a CR 1 (as opposed to the regular Goblin which is a CR 1/3). Are these creature variants only in the Beginner's Box Game Master's Guide in order to help out beginner GMs, or are there more variants of specific creatures in other books like the later Bestiary versions?
I recently made the change from D&D 4.0 to Pathfinder, and I remember in the D&D 4.0 Bestiary there was much more of a variety of creature subcategories and such (for example, there were entries on creature subtypes like Orc Berserker and Orc Chieftan and all that), so I never had a problem with this. And of course Orcs aren't the only creatures I would have this problem with - I'm just using them as an example.

Through my research online It seems as though all I can really do to solve my problem is make the stronger versions of creatures through the Monster Advancement section in the Bestiary, or make specific NPCs, both of which are pretty time consuming for the problem.