mcd1982's page

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I just received my copy of the Skull and Shackles base set and I'm missing the token cards for Lem and Jirelle. Everything else appears to be present. Is it possible to get replacements? Thanks! :)

On Edit: I just opened up my copy of the first adventure deck, and both packs of cards were the same! The Adventure Path through the barrier "Harpoon Trap" - is it possible to get the missing cards (or a replacement AD1)?.

Thank you!

Matthew Dempsey


Would you please cancel all subscriptions on my account?

Thank you!



I have two class decks in my side cart, but since I have the Adventure Card Game subscription, these will be auto shipped correct?

I didn't realize this and ended up with two Paladin decks shipped to me. :(

Please remove the side cart items.


Hello, my Paizo Order #3575788 was missing the Promo Card: Sweet Dragon Costume.



What are the available promo cards for this AP? Do we know yet?