![]() amstrdm wrote:
![]() Okay, I spent the morning fixing it up. So long as people still use it, I'll update it. It now works in chrome, firefox, and IE. Also, it is now up to date with a bunch of new sources. Creatures from more than one source, list the source in parenthasis in the drop down list. Also, the created creature info now has the source for the creature at the bottom of the output. Also, notes for IE. It's slower and won't show two columns. I don't really know why and don't want to spend any more time looking at it. ![]()
![]() Sorry about that. My wife is starting a business, and we needed the web space. I just moved it to my dropbox and added a redirect from the old url. The new location is http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3049811/pub/PRPG%20Monsters.htm Enjoy ![]()
![]() The news sidebar on the right of the web site has bad links. They are missing the "paizo.com/paizo/news" part of the url. Example:
Quote: Pathfinder Society Names Regional Coordinators, Monday, 05:00 PM links to Quote: http:///#v5748eaic9nci but should like to Quote: http://paizo.com/paizo/news/#v5748eaic9nci
![]() Louis Agresta wrote:
None at all. I just made it for my own use, but the more use the better. I, however, make no claims that its accurate. It's meant to be a good shot at the advancement, not for perfectionists. But it's great for on the fly stuff. ![]()
![]() I've added Half-Dragon and Half-Fiend now as well. Enjoy. http://home.roadrunner.com/~thegraggs/pub/PRPG%20Monsters.htm ![]()
![]() * Str bonus to dmg fixed (I think). So giant looks better.
I think the natural armor is correct. I just tacked on the [Adv: -2 Dex, +2 natural] but didn't update the other numbers. It looked like more work that it was worth. The AC, Touch, and FlatFooted get recalculated, I just don't go through the (+3 Dex, +2 natural) and try to parse the different types. So the giant you have shown has a total of +4 natural armor (+2 originally and +2 due to the advancement to giant). Going from any smallish size to "Large" gives a +2 natural armor bonus. I'm using the table Size Changes Table. ![]()
![]() Okay, version 1.1:
Let me know if you spot any other oddities. Also, if this is slow to load, you can copy the two files to your local computer and run it. If the two are in the same directory it should work. You just need the htm and the xml files: http://home.roadrunner.com/~thegraggs/pub/PRPG%20Monsters.htm
![]() stuart haffenden wrote: I get an "ActiveXObject not set up" message and then it says its loading [the monster] but never does... Oops. I never tried it with IE. I use firefox. I hadn't realized javascript was such a pain between versions. Anyway, I got it mostly working in IE now. Only the 2 column output isn't working and I don't know why. So use firefox if that's important. I mostly wrote it so I could compare the before and after creatures anyway. Here's the link again
![]() I needed a quick way to apply the Monster Advancement rules from PRPG, so I put this web page together. It will take any creature in the Bestiary and make it "Advanced" "Young" "Giant" "Celestial" "Feindish" or add Hit Dice with just a click. It isn't a "perfect" adjuster, as in I'm not a perfectionist, so not all the stats are really correct, but they're close. Also, I put this together over 4 evenings, so there are definitely bugs. Still, I think I'll use it this weekend at our game. Let me know what you think. http://home.roadrunner.com/~thegraggs/pub/PRPG%20Monsters.htm It's just a simple page of javascript and uses the monster database from d20pfsrd converted into xml. ![]()
![]() I guess I just picture the TRex trashing his head back and forth with the PC in his mouth as the PC and he grapple. Up walks a wizard and without a touch attack/ save or anything takes the PC away by automatically touching a friend and teleporting. The Pathfinder grapple rules say that the PC stays in his space so there is no difficulty touching him. I can see it both ways actually. I guess at 8th level a lot of things stop being much of an challenge for the PCs. ![]()
![]() Last game we had a wizard use his Dimensional Steps ability to teleport himself and another character. The other character was grappled by a TRex (Savage Tide AP on the Isle of Dread). I felt the TRex should have gotten a save to keep hold of the character. I would understand a PC teleporting himself out of a grapple (requiring a concentration check perhaps), but the teleport rules for taking an object from someone else give me concerns about the grapple. I realize the PC in the grapple isn't an object, but how is teleporting the grappled PC away from the TRex by touching him different from teleporting a foes weapon away by touching it? I ruled that there was no save this time as the PC was in very dire straights. The TRex had a CMD of 44 or so. ![]()
![]() Page 123: Elemental Channel (similar issue with alignment channel).
![]() Some more items. Once again, page number is the pdf page, not the book page (which is one less) Page: 97
Page: 100
Page: 118
Page: 119
Page: 121
![]() My understanding is that so long as the target is denied it's dex modifier to AC, you can sneak attack. So ranged sneak attack should work, for example, if the target has not acted yet in the 1st round, or if they are climbing (and don't have a climb speed). So long as they are within 30' Ninjaofthesea wrote:
![]() Here's my next set. I used the pdf page number this time since it's easier. The book page numbers are one less. Page: 34
Page: 34
Page: 34
Page: 44
Page: 49
Page: 54
Page: 54
Page: 54
Page: 60
Page: 69
Page: 73
Page 87:
Page: 103
Page: 120
![]() My page numbers are the book pages numbers, not the pdf page numbers. page 4, 2nd column, 1st paragraph: Not a complete sentence and not a question.
Quote: That shelf you have full of great adventures and sourcebooks (many of them very likely from Paizo)? page 8, 2nd column, 3rd paragraph, last sentence: remove the word "are" Quote: Unless otherwise noted, whenever you are must round a number, always round down. page 11, 1st column, 1st paragraph: Ability Score link is a box instead of an underline. This appears in a number of places. page 10, last sentence on page: not a complete sentence. Perhaps replace "for" with "await".
Quote: Chapter 13 (Environment): Aside from fighting against monsters, a host of other dangers and challenges for the PCs as they play the Pathfinder RPG. Many links don't work. An example is on page 22 in the Elf Racial Traits, the "Low-Light Vision" link doesn't go anywhere. page 32, Clear Mind: it says you can reroll a failed save, but must choose so before the GM announces the result. I guess the fix is to remove "failed".
Quote: Clear Mind (Ex): A barbarian may reroll a failed Will save. This power is used as an immediate action after the first save is attempted, but before the results are revealed by the GM. page 33, Moment of Clarity: It is unclear if this is a free action or an immediate action. page 33, No Escape: The comment on attacks of opportunity - I assume the barbarian and the target do not provoke attacks of opportunity from each other. Quote: The barbarian provokes attacks of opportunity as normal during this movement. page 33, Powerful Blow: I am guessing it should say the swift action is before the damage dice are rolled, not the to-hit dice. Quote: Powerful Blow (Ex): The barbarian gains a +1 bonus on a single damage roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made. This power can only be used once per rage. page 99, 2nd column, Intimidate heading: The link underline for "Cha" goes through the middle of the word (like a strike-though). I think this shows up on all the large font headers with links. ![]()
![]() I downloaded it today as well and have the same missing chapter. Mijast727 wrote:
![]() KnightErrantJR wrote: I really like the site. I only wish that Firefox wasn't show little anomalies on the page, since I use that instead of IE (which displays the site just fine). Ah well. Its a very nice, useful site. If the "little anomalies" are the little box with a number in it in the text now and then, I think I fixed those. They were cut & paste issues where the original text used special characters for quotes and dashes. I hunted them down and fixed them just now. Let me know if I missed any. Or was there some other anomaly? I use firefox myself. ![]()
![]() Good ideas. I've updated it to remove the images from the instruction booklet, added the feat and prestige class, and added some image from the blog along with the community use text. It's at the same url: here ![]()
![]() I put together a quick reference web page for the harrow deck. It allows for looking up the meanings of cards with just a click. I believe all the info on the page is open content, as near as I can tell. If it isn't, Paizo people please let me know and I'll remove it. You can find it using the link below. It's simply one html page and three images, which you don't really need. ![]()
![]() I'd like to see a book of summon-able creatures for use as a reference at the table. I had found something like this on the web long ago and printed it out, and it's one of the books used at every session. It has just the stats for "summon monster" and "summon nature's ally" creatures for each spell level. That way the player who is always summoning has just a few pages to look though for each spell level instead of taking the "bestiary" and searching back and forth. They don't use any flavor text, just stats for playing the summoned creatures. Something along this lines as a player reference would be nice. ![]()
![]() I'm not seeing her as that tough, although I'll see this weekend when my players run into her. If she teleports to the top of the maw as suggested in the adventure, then she has to last 10 rounds before she can teleport away again. Not many battles last that long. If she concentrates on one PC, she may take that one down before she dies. But if she switches targets once or twice, it should be tough but doable. ![]()
![]() Lisa Stevens wrote:
I like the pathfinder RPG Beta frightened (which is what turning does) though since it allows the creature to stop fleeing once out of sight of the source of the fear. So I have the undead run to the next room, and lay in wait there for anyone to follow. This fixed the "count the squares" issue for me. As a note, I didn't see this feature of frightened in the Glossary definition of the frightened condition on page 400, but does appear in the description of frightened on page 395 under "Fear". It should be in both places. ![]()
![]() I've found one of the ways I really like to keep in touch with goings on at Paizo is to have an rss feed of the employee's posts. The problem I'm having is every time an old post gets moved to the archives, it shows up again as a current post in the RSS feed. It doesn't show up on the employee post page though. For example, if I go to http://paizo.com/people/LisaStevens/posts,
Can we have it so when posts are moved to the archive, they aren't re-posted to RSS, pretty please? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Skyler Brungardt wrote: I'd sure like to see Magic Missile get a revision. It's hands down the most powerful attack spell for all of the first level spells, and better than many second level spells too. I agree that Magic Missile needs work. In my house rules it requires a touch attack if the target has any cover at all. ![]()
![]() I must not understand the PRPG Alpha 1 cover rules. It says under ranged "Lines that run along the edge of a hard surface or creature count as being blocked." So if you are in a 5' wide hallway with an opponent any corner of your square will run along the wall to two of the opponents squares corners. This can't count at 2, which will give him cover +2, can it? ![]()
![]() Kobold Cleaver wrote: Hmm. Sorry, I'll pass this time. Anyways, I prefer D&D. It is D&D, just played from your home via computer (using the Kloogework software to show the map, minis, etc. and Ventrilo software to allow everyone to talk to eachother over microphones). It allows people to play D&D without having to physically meet and is great to people who are across the country from each other. I'd love to play, but am busy Sunday. ![]()
![]() Shisumo wrote:
I want'ed to make a high Con have more of an effect, so I'm adding the following to Shisumo's poison. Norah Test:
Some calculations showed the following chances for % chance winning the Norah test: Fighter/Barbarian Lvl 2:
Wizard Lvl 2:
I figure only drunk or high Con / Ftr types would ever even try. And for them its not too hard, but there aren't many takers. ![]()
![]() I've also become more accustom to the font size as I read, but I know it will be a problem at the game table as the light is lower there. What I really have trouble with is the font/text on the maps. Specifically the Sandpoint map. Even wearing glasses and holding it 6" from a light bulb, I still can't tell what it says sometimes. I'm often just guessing at the streetnames. And the 3's and 5's on all the maps are indistinguishable. Please take a look at this as I need to be able to quickly read the maps at the game table. ![]()
![]() Guennarr wrote:
The projector has a menu option to switch the image around. Its very quick and easy. You can switch top/bottom and right/left, but there isn't a rotate 90 degree option, but I don't need that at all.