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Simply put, how can clerics have a shield, a weapon, and still pull of spells?

I have recently been playing a cleric, my first time in any rpg playing one. Nearly every image I see of a classic cleric, I see him carrying a shield on one arm and a weapon in the other hand.

But when I look at what is required to do the bulk of my spells (prayers), they require any combination of hand movements, holy symbol waving, and producing a random bit of something from a pouch.

I'm not sure how one can perform as a shield toting cleric while still having enough hands free to perform these tasks.

Given that the iconic cleric is almost always carrying a shield, I get the feeling that this is normal and not people getting around rules with technicalities (visions of a cleric constantly juggling weapons, shields, elements, holy symbols, etc every single turn just doesn't seem like intended role playing) and that I am clearly missing something.

Can you help me out understanding the logistics and rules involved? And please feel free to get technical, my DM is very picky about rules.

Simply put, how can clerics have a shield, a weapon, and still pull of spells?

I have recently been playing a cleric, my first time in any rpg playing one. Nearly every image I see of a classic cleric, I see him carrying a shield on one arm and a weapon in the other hand.

But when I look at what is required to do the bulk of my spells (prayers), they require any combination of hand movements, holy symbol waving, and producing a random bit of something from a pouch.

I'm not sure how one can perform as a shield toting cleric while still having enough hands free to perform these tasks.

Given that the iconic cleric is almost always carrying a shield, I get the feeling that this is normal and not people getting around rules with technicalities (visions of a cleric constantly juggling weapons, shields, elements, holy symbols, etc every single turn just doesn't seem like intended role playing) and that I am clearly missing something.

Can you help me out understanding the logistics and rules involved? And please feel free to get technical, my DM is very picky about rules.

My first Pathfinder character, a Cleric, just hit level 6.

One of his domains is Healing, so now he is granted "Healer's Blessing".

Does the 50% bump to cure spells work with Channel Energy healing?

Some of the Pathfinder rules get hazy if you dont already know 3.5, which I don't.