
mardaddy's page

Organized Play Member. 525 posts (1,478 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 10 aliases.

First off - this is not about me frustrating my partners... Its me being frustrated by the dedication level of the players I am with.

I agree to join in a game, I AM IN. I wake up 4:40AM and am at work by 5:30AM, working until I get home anywhere between 3PM and 6PM. From there I feed my cats, chickens and ducks, change the ducks bath every two days, clean up any kitchen stuff that needs doing and make dinner for the house (I do the cooking/grilling and baking in the house because I enjoy it.)

Most nights I work at home on my work laptop to keep myself up and make the job easier, going to bed around 10PM. Sometimes I take a break from working at night and paint mini's. Maybe once a week I have a few drinks while I am working from home to take an edge off also.

Despite how busy that is, and fitting in laundry, moving things about the house, basement and garage for my wife and elderly mother who lives with us, I still find time to drop in to the PBP every single day, sometimes multiple times a day, and post when it is needed to move the game forward.

My work is 10+hr days AND working an additional 3-4hrs or so from home, PLUS the domestic things... so when I see... "sorry haven't posted in a week, I got swamped at work." Well, I am a forgiving guy by nature, and I do not know their job, but I see what I do and what efforts I make to keep things going in a game I love and it becomes frustrating...

Not gonna quit. Not gonna judge. Not gonna confront. None of that is appropriate (walk 1,000 miles and all that) but it is still frustrating...

Just curious...

The Investigator archetype Antiquarian RAW does not suffer arcane spell failure.

A Wizard dipping into, or a start-as Investigator Antiquarian then Wizard forevermore allows for an armored wizard with no spell failure chance.

Besides GM fiat, is there a way for one race to count as another via Traits/Feat-tree's/whatever to qualify for Class Archtypes?

I am theory-building a Prankster Bard out of idle curiosity, but not liking the requirement of being a gnome...


One of the various Rakshasa's, a Raktavarna is a reincarnated Rakshasa who has utterly failed in their previous incarnation.

I thought it'd be grand to have this critter attach itself to the party - Another PC-interpreted resource/treasure that I am really using to feed exposition for context and side adventure hooks.

Anyone else ever experienced or "used" this monster in their campaigns?

So I've been toying with this idea for a while. From Lvl 1.
I originally envisioned this little bugger as a mounted archer-type.

I thought about cavalier w/Vermin Tamer Archetype. BUT... unless I am mistaken, an Archer-Cavalier is not a viable build even if I don't care much about optimization.

Does the Beastmaster Ranger Archetype allow for the Animal Companion to be his/her mount?
Fully realizing I'll have to take Undersized Mount as a Feat.

Are there other class/archetype options I am overlooking (no 3PP)

Need some advise. A newish player (and 1st level) had a theme she wanted to play where she is a witch and bargained with a witch/hag/coven for eternal beauty. The player wanted to make the bargain for her fertility, but as GM, I told her that would not be desirable for a standard witch/hag/coven, as they do focus on stealing children and/or adding to their coven.

So I suggested that she bargained for the commitment of eventually joining their coven, since in game there would be no real "first born" to give up (nor would the player have agreed to that anyways - her PC concept was that the character was extremely vain, but has a heart of gold.)

So I got this plot hook to use much later on in the adventure. I envision this as her getting a psychic calling when she has reached a power level high enough that the coven feels it is to their benefit for her to join, and her beauty start fading if she does not immediately start seeking out the coven (not as drastic as a geas, but similar.)

Of course, it leaves open her and/or the party turning on and destroying the coven, but the advise I am looking for is suggestions on power level for the calling (around what character level would make sense?), and are coven's geographically stationary? Would they wander if it suited their needs?

Nothing in the monster write-up suggests this. Is it a perpetual-motion machine after the final, successful craft check?

Can one stick a crowbar in there to gum up the gears and cause havoc?

They are immune to all magic, but I need one the PC's are going to discover to already be immobilized beforehand. It is not meant to be an enemy to fight, it is a caretaker for a clock tower that I want to be cursed/immobilized that the PC's can figure out and dispel/cure as part of a subplot device...

I'm stumped unless I hand-wave it.

Grand Lodge

So I had the idea to run a compressed version of Hells Rebels as a mini-campaign with a single player as a Vigilante.

IMing the player, I am asking what he wants to build as, so I can help tweak it a bit to make him survivable as a lone PC... does he want a Jackie Chan-type with Improvised Weapons and Throw Anything, or a gunslinger like the Phantom, or a Batman type with fists and gadgets, or martial arts and non-lethal like Daredevil, etc.

I already told him to act as if he has the Rich Parents Trait (900gp to start) and we are doing 25pt buy, with him as a star performer in the Opera (Local Celebrity, etc.) I'm thinking backstory motivation is his parents disappeared during the Nigth of Ashes, as they wrote most of the veiled-anti-Thrune performances.

I get his IM's today. Vishakanya (so much for the background) Stalker, with Green Blood trait so he can Detect Magic.

Detect Magic? He would not need that unless he is planning to loot (rob) downed opponents. Why would he think he needs to build for acquiring loot?

I told him he needed to trust me as a DM that I'd make it cool and not to focus on acquisition = this is about JUSTICE FOR KINTARGO!!

I am completely intrigued and challenged by running a Kuthite/Nidalese campaign. Has anyone taken the leap? What was the experience like? Good or evil PC's? And if the PC's were good aligned, why did they stay? Or what was the hook to get them to stay?

Home group I am DMing will be sporadically having to deal with adventuring underwater in an ocean bay for the next six levels (some sandbox, eh?)

Does anyone have homebrew / houserules they use to augment RAW that they could suggest?

Any suggestions for 3pp sources that I could use to provide more depth (groan) to some underwater encounters that will be seeding the campaign I am DMing.

Anyone have Cerulean Seas? Will it fit the bill?

I've got a 1/2-orc fighter player in the group I am DMing that is in Magnimar and wants to eventually join the Order of the Nail there. I don't want to limit the fun, so I am fishing for ideas to accommodate while keeping the party intact.

I really do enjoy just about everything about the class, BUT - how does this work in-game with other party members who have no interest in Hellknights?

I mean, if a player starts out a Hellknight Armitage, for the party to stay together, all the players have to be Armitagers or part of the same low-level mooks "supporting Hellknight Order X" like the squire until what? The trial? Then the PC becomes a Hellknight and they (choose or are assigned) an Order... and have to go where the Order tells them, do what the Order tells them. What about the other players?

If a player decides at some point they want to take up the Hellknight class, they take the test, they are assigned an Order... and we're again at the same situation above.

The Orders have strongholds (some big some small.) Unless the rest of the party were part of the Order or, "servants," they would not be allowed to stay. Suddenly the Hellknight PC and his/her assignments take the forefront with everyone else in supporting positions, and that may be fine - but is that the only way to play this?

Non-Order missions go away? POOF! Because the Order would not take it well for one of the ranks to continually up and go, "Hey, I'm gonna go do XXXX with these guys for a while, be back sometime later."

I am seeing nothing in the Prestige Class that allows or accounts for Hellknights NOT being in an Order, or any Order allowing "independent wandering adherents." Seeing how severe the Hellknight reputation is, I would think they specifically DO NOT allow their members to go on missions that are outside their Order.

What are the opinions / how was this handled in your games?

DMing a group of players whose sandboxy mission is to, "take down," the PF Society Lodge in Magnimar within a year in game time.

Not burn it down, TAKE it down. Cause it to fall into ill-repute, collapse as a local institution, no longer welcomed in the city, its reputation smeared (oh, did I mention all the PC's are from Korvosa?) The task has been assigned to them, and they have been told that "just" killing the Heidmarch's will not do, as anyone else could just pick up where they left off.

No, the downfall must be something deliciously, maliciously, orchestrated by hook or crook and be semi-permanent.

It's sandboxy in that they have to figure out and then execute the methodology of the collapse. So far they have failed the interview process to become probationary members, so that avenue of causing it to "fall from within" has failed, but hey, they are only 2nd level right now... they still have 11 months and two weeks to figure it out.

I have quite a few side-actions and potential at different thresholds to make connections both high and low to open doors for them to plan out schemes (whatever they may be.)

I've also changed enough nuances about Magnimar's various locations/adventure hooks/NPC personalities to ensure them having the setting book or looking anything up online does not give them reveals they can meta.

They've recently taken over the Crow Piling (I changed the layout that was in Shattered Star) as their base of operations.

Have a Player in our group fielding a Sylph Magus, taking Windy Escape multiple times for a day, then spending arcane pool points to recover the spell over and over as needed.

We're at the point now where they are facing opponents with multiple attacks - but still, each attack after the first (which is windy escaped) has a lower chance of actually hitting.

I can't just chronically engineer surprise or flat-footed encounter conditions... I'd like to see what options others may use to hit a magus in his/her arcane pool. What are you favorite scenarios to cause a Magus to spend pool points?

The fastest I've seen was in Mummy's Mask. First book, very first tomb, very first trap, crit was rolled, and 1st level PC cleric takes 21HP damage... Dead.


I have an Asmodean Advocate. Barrister. Devil-Worshipping-lawyer. +18 to Bluff at 3rd level.

Mummer's Ruff and Clockwork Bug.

Put on the Mummer's Ruff and there is a +10 bonus to Bluff while imitating someone's voice, that is effectively +28 for my guy.

Clockwork Bug records conversations for one hour once set. It is already a useful tool for a lawyer-type to have for recording, "legally unassailable," witness statements and suspect confessions, but add in the +28 potential for creating false confessions and statements...

I'm playing an Asmodean Advocate in a pbp game and the party just reached 3rd level. I'm taking Craft Wondrous Item and the game is pretty lean WBL-wise.

One of the low-cost items that I can craft that will pay off for my PC is Sinner's Wage. He tends to have an overpowering personality (sky-high Bluff & Diplomacy) and we've had a lot of success with compulsion spells, so anything that bumps up the DC for charm/compulsion is worth the gold.

Since the cost for the item itself is so low, I am wondering what the RAW cost breakdown is to craft Sinner Wage at a +3 or +4 bonus to the Charm/Compulsion DC instead of the normal +2?

(I know using it this way drains it for a week.)

I believe it is enhancement squared x100gp for the price (or cost, I am not sure which), x2 again if it is slotless.

And I believe the subject item is CL4(?), with that determined by the relevant stat-boosting spell needed for the item.

EXAMPLE - Bracers of Climbing +2 would give +2 to Climb Checks, CL4, 400gp (but is that price or cost?), with the requirement being Craft Wondrous Item and the Bull Strength Spell.

How far off am I?

AND what form of bonus is that, so I can ensure I do not stack things that should not stack?

(Don't get hung up on the climb example, I just want to know the formula)

Asmodean Advocate, Profession: Barrister, in Cheliax.

Draft up a lengthy, twisting contract in game, hidden within is tangled legalese that victimizes the NPC signee.

What check would the NPC signee need to make to recognize the deceit?

Profession: Barrister? A Wisdom Check? Perception? Knowledge: Local (because laws?)

Is it an opposed check, Asmodean Advocate Bluff vs. ????

I bought the RotRL set brand new way back when, opened it up, organized it, played a quick solo game to ensure I grasped the basics. Then I "think" I might have bought one expansion (B) also. Unfortunately, I had to shelve the game for a spell (OK, almost 30 months...)

I was jonesing to do some solo gaming this weekend, and discovered my wife had dropped the box at some point (she admits) and stored it on edge in the garage...

So now I broke it out, reorganized everything into its places and I think I might have (maybe 2?) missing cards...

The reason I say I think I might have bought an expansion is because there are two "sets"... one set of all the cards marked "1" and another set marked "B."

The two cards I think I might be missing is LOOT 1 (I have a single LOOT B card, but no corresponding LOOT 1.) And ADVENTURE PATH 1 card (again, I have an ADVENTURE PATH B, but no corresponding ADVENTRUE PATH 1.)

So... Am I missing two cards? Or were the LOOT and ADVENTURE PATH cards added into expansions after the original RotRL set and I'm good as-is?

The party has an Alchemist. Who WILL be flying about raining bombs, which is pretty dang cool. So the enemy will be summoning 1d4+1 Eagles (twice) to attack him.

Are there official rules that govern distraction / concentration in an event like this where he will need to mix his bomb and use it the same round he is being dived into, pecked and clawed by multiple opponents?

...who is in their threatened square.

Specifically - PC front surrounded by sz small enemies, wants to attack with whip (or any other Reach weapon) BBEG in back of small enemies.

I would think this would be treated like using a missile weapon (provokes attack of opportunity from the Small enemies?) but not sure RAW, it is a melee weapon after all.

Thinking also to judge it as small creatures in front get a situational +2 to hit next round because the PC is not actively trying to engage or defend against them, but that would be more house-rule.

OK, so here is the situation (deal with what it is, instead of suggesting a different class/race/skills/alignment/etc.)

We are a party of four, all 3rd level. Two of the party are of a good alignment, the other two are N and CN. The two less-than-perfectly-upstanding are a Human archery-focused Slayer and a Ratfolk Urban Druid with Craft Alchemy and Craft Wondrous Item.

We are playing Hell's Rebels, but this post does not revolve around the actual details of the module - what I and the Slayer are wanting to do are small chaos-inducing side ventures with a goal of denying persons loyal to House Thrune and the Asmodean Church their livelihood, humiliating them, causing infighting, etc. through creative use of items I can craft. The DM is willing so long as we do not sidetrack the AP.

Get devious, there are a lot of possibilities out there... let me know your ideas for deploying Brewed Reek, Rusting Powder, Wasp's Nest of Swarming, mis-labeling a potion bottle with an Elixir of Sex Shifting, etc, etc. get creative!!

We are not looking for wanton destruction, or outright assassination or to murder anyone, though if there is an Asmodean-worshipper's death here or there, we would not be *too* heartbroken...

We have a caveat that innocents not be harmed (within reason), so like... a night attack of a Thrune-loyal ship in port using multiple archers with Slow-Burn Arrows (Craft:Alchemy) would be out - innocent sailors could be hurt in the fire, and if it worked and the ship went up in flames, the crew who may not even care about House Thrune would be put out of work.

I've got a Ratfolk Urban Druid that is currently 3rd level and already has (and has used for the party often) Craft/Alchemy.

He is already conniving, selfish, and out to take whatever he can get away with. I envision him overcoming his combat shortcomings by relying on poison... dipping into Alchemist at the 4HD mark seems to be the route to take.

Casting the net wide - Confirmation? Or other suggestions?

3rd level Urban Druid

Step 1 - Craft Dust of Emulation.
Step 2 - Buy/obtain/steal high level spell scroll (let's say wizard.)
Step 3 - Despite my being a 3rd level Druid, use dust to cast the high-level spell off the scroll.

If I am reading the rules of the Dust correctly, this should work.

Mentally envision the scroll as you apply the Dust; counts as UMD auto-pass to cast off the scroll (class feature emulated = spell list), and the RAW for the Dust says if an exact number matters, it counts as an auto 25 roll (which it DOEES matter to see if the PC can cast a spell higher than their own caster level.)

Seems a GREAT way for lower level PC's to gain access to high level spell effects.

OK, so my Ratfolk Urban Druid used very high rolls on his Animal Handling (with some circumstantial bonuses) to semi-domesticate an alligator that was about to attack the party.

With an INT of 1 and a weeks worth of training, Mr. Bitey has learned one trick: "Down" (I figured that was the first and most important thing to teach it for everyones safety.)

ASSUMING I craft Mr. Bitey a stat-boosting INT item to bring INT up to 3 and Combat Train him, how much would Mr. Bitey be worth to sell?

We're talking a highly trained, pretty exotic animal here; in Kintargo (Cheliax.)

I can see that the difference between a Riding Horse and a Combat Trained horse is +50%, but a Riding Horse is already trained for Riding and that training is already figured in to its cost; and I'd still have to know the "base cost" of an alligator...

Maybe just confer with the GM. If it ain't gonna make some bank, the PC is NOT investing the time...

The party consists of a Wizard (NE) a Slayer, Cleric of Set, and a Desert Ranger (all LE.)

It is still early, they are about to hit the auction at the start of Empty Graves, but geez, has it been exhausting keeping, "all options open," for their want to go off track and do, "bad," things.

I had to devise the logical security precautions of the Canny Jackal because they hinted at possibly robbing it while the other parties are in the Necropolis. And the Pesh trade, they have all but taken it over from the Silver Chains (which I deemed likely due to the Chains leadership being usurped by agents of you-know-who and their new focus is not on drugs, but on locating you-know-what.)

They are still wanting to engage the Silver Chains directly AND rob one of the other parties before the auction. Despite my warnings about the possibility of being caught and the consequences it would have on further play.

It has been rough reigning them in to keep the adventure on track while at the same time providing them opportunity to have their fun being, "bad guys."

I even went so far as to create the ritual needed to activate you-know-what because I *KNOW* they are going to want to know and seriously consider using it the way it is used in Empty Graves.

This is under the Dark Sun setting, so the rules are kinda hinky anyways, with my PC being a druid focusing on water. It started as almost a 2Ed AD&D and PF mash-up, though as we progressed in levels, the DM has been really good about making things more PF than AD&D.

We are 6th level now, and stuck on one of Athas' moons. Basically, it is a waterworld, sailing ships and whatnot, and mundane (meaning NOBODY wields magic.) Magic works, but no one native to this moon can cast, arcane or divine. If the native witness any magic, they go superstitious and banishment-minded, so any casting we do is secretive, on the down-low.

She has used up what few magic items with charges she had, and Dark Sun being the sparse magic setting it is, has no other magic besides her spells.

I took Craft Potions early on, but "the moon" is completely foreign flora and fauna to where she learned how to make potions, so the ability to use that is quite a ways off as she gets to know this moon.

All that being said, our current party situation is... We captured two pirate vessels over the course of four game sessions, and our encounters revolve around just that - ship to ship combat and pirate hunting with very little ground actions.

So I am trying to find a way to stay relevant as a druid. So far the only thing I can offer to help out is to Wildshape into a local coastal bird and fly over the opponent vessels casting spells like Warp Wood on the weapons (catapult/ballistae), or Summon Natures Ally on their vessels to attack and distract them, or Lightning Storm-strike their vessels.

She cannot do anything fire-related (druid focused on water), and cannot do anything overtly magical in front of the native ally crews of the two vessels or they will mutiny.


"Like other spellcasters, a cleric can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day."

"Clerics meditate or pray for their spells. Each cleric must choose a time when she must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain her daily allotment of spells. A cleric may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation."

Neither of these seem to stop a cleric from actually casting spontaneously; choosing the spell on the fly.

RAW, the cleric can CHOOSE every possible spell within his level and alignment restrictions and prepare/pray for them, but CAST only the NUMBER of spells per level allowed.

This seems off, as EVERY cleric would have EVERY possible cleric spell (basically) at their disposal... can anyone ref where this is countered by RAW?

Is it strictly the DC to identify a magic item?

If a huckster is selling a "charm" he claims protects vs XXXX, is the revelation the PC was duped reliant only upon a successful identify check?

(not including the Sense Motive check for the NPC's claims)

I'm looking for the PF equal (I know there is not a direct equal) to the old AD&D, "Nystul's Magic Aura," which gives a false positive for Detect Magic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We started a new MM group yesterday. Three of the PC's want to be Anubis worshipers, so I felt the need to flesh out the old Osirion faiths. I had to find a way to give the pantheon power without making them "different names for this lands manifestation of the gods known to all already," and wanted to keep the RAW in the Empty Graves section that outlines the pantheon by names/domains/etc.

This is not canon, it is my own take and how it will be gamed in OUR game:

In a cosmic scale, the various gods of the Osirion pantheon encourage their worshippers to maintain Ma'at within their society and their borders. Ma'at is the fixed, eternal balance of truth, justice and order in the universe. Ma'at existed since the creation of the world, and without it the world will lose its cohesion. Ma'at is constantly under threat from the forces of disorder, so all of society is required to maintain it.

The gods themselves ruled over ancient Osirion personally for many centuries until they moved on to guide Osirion from the afterlife. As other bordering lands became powerful in their own right, there were border battles and invasions. With these invasions of foreigners to Osirion, the worship of outsider gods were brought in, and the many of these invaders made it a point to topple statues, profane carved holy inscriptions, and wipe out any reference of the "old gods" to do away with the core Osirion identity. The power of these foreigners ebbed and flowed, rose and fell, until eventually a native Osiriani was able to secure rule again.

For 100 years now, an Osirion-born pharaoh has ruled the land. With his prominence, shrines and recollections of the old gods have emerged. Despite the efforts of three invading empires and 8,000 years of their efforts, the memory of the old gods has survived and been passed down. They are in an extreme minority, but they remain.

The old faith is a polytheistic system. Praying to one god exclusively in the old faith is completely unheard of, even if one is a priest/priestess of a specific god/goddess. There is no harm or jealousy to be found in the gods for a High Priest of Horus to give offerings and pray to Isis for the safe birth of his son, for example.

Re: What the Priest and Priestesses of Anubis believe:

Death is as important as life. The soul is actually not whole, it is of two parts. The Ka, which houses the vital spark that creates life itself, and the Ib, which is the seat of emotion, thought and will.

The life spark that makes up each persons Ka is eternal and ever recycled in new life. Upon death, the Ka of the deceased is immediately released and finds its way to Isis to be assigned another birth. There is no memory, no personality, no independent thought with the Ka, it is just a life spark.

The Ib is centered in the heart. Upon death, the manifestation of the being now deceased is brought before Anubis in the afterlife. Anubis removes and weighs the heart of the deceased in a balance. Only Anubis knows what this standard is, among the Anubis faithful, it is assumed it is weighed against Ma'at. If the deceased's Ib, the seat of emotion, thought and will passes his standard, the manifestation of the deceased passes on to a glorious afterlife. If the heart is found wanting, it is replaced in the being and the manifestation given over to the horrors inhabiting the afterlife for their amusement and sustenance. They suffer the Final Death.

Anubis teaches his followers that in addition to just living a life keeping Ma'at in balance, there are rituals that can be performed in life and after his or her death that can affect whether the Ib meets his standard. Preservation of the body through the mummification process is one such ritual. Additionally, the balance is affected by:
• Obedience without question to law as passed down from the Osirion Pharaoh.
• Preservation of the dignity of the dead.
• Punishment of defilers of the dead.
• Stewardship of Osirion and its natural bounty.

The ritual of removing the intestines and other body parts and placing them in canopic jars has no affect on the weight of the Ib. It is a precautionary ritual; the horrors of the afterlife enjoy nothing more than eating these body parts from the manifestation of the deceased while they can still suffer and feel the excruciating pain. Removing them ensures a quicker and less painful Final Death if for any reason the Ib is going to be found wanting.

The followers of Anubis will give no-cost mummification of any deceased Osiriani as an action of obedience to the tenets of their faith.

From the afterlife, Anubis watches over all Osirion, takes note of their worship, intentions, and the results of their efforts. Anubis has been taking exception for a long time his replacement in the Osiriani population with the outsider, Pharasma. Osiriani Ibs that come to him have been severely judged because of the long forgetfulness of the Osiriani people.

It is up to the faithful to take necessary actions to bring back to Osirion the obedience, worship, rites and rituals that will ensure a better judgment of the Ib of all Osiriani upon death.

3rd level Musket Master with a basic musket. I am DMing the, "Emerging Guns," rules aspect.

A single barrel 2 handed firearm takes a Full Round Action to reload.

A Musket Master at 3rd level can reload a 2 handed firearm as a one handed weapon, which turns it into a Standard Action to reload.

With Alchemical Cartridge, it moves down a step, the reload becomes a Move Action.

And with the Rapid Reload Feat the reload is reduced again to a Free Action.

Do I have that all right? AND if I have that all correct, if the Gunslinger takes a Full Round Action, can he get 2 shots off per round? Or is it one of those, "logically he could, but RAW, he has to wait until 6th level when it shows an additional BAB."

NEXT question - If he goes with a double-barrel (does not have one yet), and he fires off both barrels, does he roll once for both shots, or twice? I thought I read somewhere it is twice with the second shot having a penalty to hit.

THIRD question - if he has Feats that apply additional effects to the double-shot (both shots at the same time) do both shots gain the benefits of the effect or only one?

The PC's have angered a Sczarni gang in Magnimar. They kidnapped a low-life for a day and let them go, realizing it was mistaken identity & paying him off for their silence.

Thing is, the area they kidnapped the guy from was under the protection of the Sczarni Washside Wringers, and many neighbors who came to try and help the lowlife got knocked out and beat up by the PC's, so even though the freed guy is, "good," the Washside Wringers considers themselves humiliated.

The Sczarni gangs in Magnimar are more mob-protection, shakedown, blackmail and intimidation than murderers or assassins, so tone it to that.

Don't want anything major, just tweaks and hooks to put the fear of, "We know what you did, and when you least expect it..." to the PC's to keep them looking over their shoulders while they continue with the AP.

PC party started as:
Half Elf Bonded Witch
Half Elf Ninja
Human Gunslinger

Played up until the assault on Natalya (until then, they RPed so well and made such good decisions they never rolled a die in combat, even with the sorcerer ambush, they thought that guy was the one kidnapping the residents, and brought the City Watch - turns out he was wanted.)

Climbing the roof of a building to scout out Natalya's crib, it happens to be Tarisha's perch - she fell to her death trying to escape poison shurikens and gunfire after engaging the PC's.

They barely survived Natalya with three PC's. Finally a decent fight. The Gunslinger got Charmed and Suggested and Natalya fumbled her coup de grace on him. He knocked her out.

Invaded the Crow with Natalya as an NPC - so they now have a map and forewarning of Ayala and have silvered their weapons in preparation. The Witch player decided to drop out of the game so I arbitrarily fireball-trap-killed her (had not encountered any Tower Girls yet.)

In joins a Shoanti Barbarian and a Human Sorcerer/Cleric to the party during a forced recovery break at Heidmarch manor, then back to the Crow...

They WIPE THE FLOOR with the Tower Girls, smart tactics against prepared defenses (even when I gave all the Girls Alchemetic Fire in addition to their other weapons. Eventually reaching Ayala, and even doubling her infected minions and making them invisible and silent waiting for their chance to sneak attack & ambush them at her room, the PC's survive handily - Ayala hit them w/her poison, no effect, and failed to bite altogether (unless I had went total die-roll fudge.)

They have had it far too easy - I mean, reward smart play, yes, but they are playing ti so smart it is becoming a walk-through with no tension or fear of PC loss... So for chapter two, I am KICKING IT UP A NOTCH. Started with adding a green slime to the dressing room next to the amoeba-bath.

Almost killed the Sorcerer/Cleric, who is now permanently disfigured and almost hairless after her 8-day CON recovery from slime acid damage.

They were too prepared to use ranged fire only from a safe distance against the (now doubled) water spiders, so I held them back for later deployment and hit them with a spider swarm (which they handily countered with oil and alchemetic fire.)

Next level down - good fight. The ant mounds took their toll. I made them Soldier instead of Worker Ants, a couple PC's got poisoned, grappled and manhandled about, coming *this* close to being drug back into the mounds as a meal.

Much better...

Related to this:

But did not want to go off the OP topic or derail on a tangent.

I had always wanted to run a themed series of adventures (or even full campaign) where all the PC's were of one class or one race where that part of their capacity was instrumental to the campaign itself.

I can imagine an all-PC paladin warparty, or dwarves, or a bunch of rogues finding a town has no real guild and forming their own to run the place, wizards out to destroy magic item XXX from the world or seeking it, a band of gnomes trying not to bore themselves everywhere they go, etc.

Any Players or GM's try out just this type of thing and how did it work out?