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Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Dark Archive

One of my players is making a mammoth rider via mounted fury. He has wants to take the beast totem rage powers to share with his mount. Which is fine but our point of difference is on the claws power. Simply read it says you gain two claw attacks . But that is written to refer to a humanoid barbarian. I ruled that while his mammoth can gain claws from the power they do not give his mammoth extra attacks. He may use his two claw attacks or his gore and slam.

I would not expect a human barbarian with the beast totem to expect to attack with his greataxe then get two claw attacks with his feet.

If he had a horse mount his clawed hooves could do slashing or bludgeoning damage.

I don't think a rage power should give two extra attacks to a mounted furies mount when it does not to him. What if the mounted fury has a giant cat mount it already has claws.

The animalistic power gives you a bite as secondary attack as part of a full attack which I have no problem with . Even though it starts with gains as well like beast totem does.

I don't think the intent of beast totem was for animal mounts.

Feedback please.

Dark Archive

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I was wondering if I am understanding this weapon correctly. It is pretty much a longsword that for the exotic weapon feat you can use your dex with. But only if you have yet another feat , weapon finesse.
Why is this an exotic weapon? It is not worth a feat . It should also crit on a 18-20 . Granted the eleven curve blade is two handed but it is a (exotic)finesse weapon that crits on a 18-20 and does a d10 , worth the feat. You don't get a shield but then again the whole purpose the of the Aldori dueling blade is not to use a shield either.

Dark Archive

From our gnome bard with two broken legs as his friends are fleeing a boulder falling down stairs . Indiana Jones sty;e . "I 'll save you with my mouth" Everyone just looked at him and burst out laughing.

Dark Archive

I once caught a player red handed in a book store reading the module I was running. I still let him come over with after telling him not to read anymore. He walked up to a statue with a magic amulet around its neck and WHOOSH we was plane shifted to hell . He asked why I had him come over just to screw him . I siad don't waste my time in the future and banned him from playing.

Dark Archive

I have to agree with VDmike to some degree . I don't allow roges in my game to use sneak attack on just any creature. At mid to high levels it can become ridiculous . I run a highlevel game with a 20th level rogue he doesn't complain when he fights a golem , he pulls out an adamantine dagger . I don't complain when he flanks with his two weapons against a dragon and inflicts 20d6+ damage either. Enhance the rouge to much and the fighter will be comlaining next.

Consider a sword and board fighter(10th) with a +2 weapon , spec, 20 str. he inflicts d10+ 9(ave 15) a hit . Not including PA , a rogue steps into a flank and does 6d6(ave 21) with a short sword. Seems a little off to me. Yeah the fighter gets more attacks , higher to hit bonus but when he hits he should be big damage guy . Two handed weapon fighters , no comparison in damage.

All said and done I do allow the roge to sneak attack some creatures normally immune basically creatures with a squishy anatomy , ghouls, zombies, but any thing he does back stab he has to get through the DR with his basic weapon damage.