mLudy's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Does the Gnome heritage Wellspring Gnome block access to Ancestry feat First World Adept?

I am moving to the Altoona area this week. If any of you are still active on the boards/still playing Pathfinder, I would love to see about joining a campaign. Let me know if there is any interest.

I would be interested in a PF game around Michigan City... When do you play?

Maverick898 wrote:

that was already accounted for, 3 work days is 24 hours worth of work.

I would also suggest that the 100 work for 72 hours, seeing as the item says they labor for 3 days, not 3 work days.

Can you take feats with proficiency prerecs, such as weapon focus, with heritage weapon?