lukkos's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


csouth154 wrote:
You can attempt to close it. If you succeed, banish all cards except for the villain and thebl location stays open.

Brilliant, thanks!

I defeated the villain on his first appearance. He then escapes to the only open location, which happened to be totally unexplored. The first encounter here was the Bandit Henchman. Does this still allow me to attempt a location closing, or do I treat the henchman as a normal monster and keep drawing for the villain?

Russ Taylor wrote:
The first loot card is in Burnt Offering. Depending on your printing, it may say "B", but it'll be a sihedron amulet and belongs with "1" regardless.

awesome thanks, i know that was a dumb question

Hey guys, I just bought the Base Set and have not yet opened the Burnt Offerings Deck. I wanted to make sure I had all cards in core set accounted for first. There was no loot card, and I can't find anywhere that specifies whether I should have one. Any help would be greatly appreciated