lucen_dacier's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


The Licktoad village gets a one-two punch: first it gets hit by skeletons offscreen, then it gets mopped up by the adventuring party.

The 1st book of Jade Regent gives you a map of the Licktoad village, and tells you what happened to the Licktoads before the PCs arrive to mop them up. There are a few inconsistencies, like how the goblins in Jade Regent aren't afraid of Gutwad's voice, and how the goblin heroes (the PCs from We Be Goblins) got killed by the skeletons. Guess we're supposed to ignore those bits!

If you want a map of the Licktoad village post-skeleton blitz and some information on what the Licktoads were up to after getting fireworks, it's worthwhile to pick up the first book of JR. If you want background and information about the Licktoads themselves, there's plenty more of that in We Be Goblins than in Jade Regent.

Good luck! Hope to hear more about this campaign.