Iron Dragon

leviathanapsu's page

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Claxon wrote:
Weirdo wrote:
Claxon, you've got it the wrong way around. leviathanapsu is "a player in the game in question," not the warlock player the OP is having difficulty with.


I read that as "I am the player in question".

It's all good. Sometimes it can be easy to miss a single word and get an entirely different meaning out of what you are seeing. No worries.

Point of reference: I am a player in the game in question.

Weirdo wrote:

The only person misreading it is the player who wants this disappointing ability to be better.

If the player is not willing to accept a GM ruling on this one, they're being a bad player.

It isn't being helped by a second group he plays with choosing to interpret the rules that way (no shock, they are a power gaming group) and who keep reinforcing his viewpoint rather than accepting logic. He's choosing to listen to the other DM, rather than simply ignoring this one.