A question for the powers-that-be.
Parts of this question have been touched on in other threads but the threads got side-tracked, so please take the time to read this whole post before commenting (and please comment if you have something valuable to add).
The Question: How does a cleric ‘present ‘his/her holy symbol to channel?
Considerations: (there are three – I am not interested in a discussion about Area of Effect vs. Line of Sight – it’s irrelevant and covered quite simply in the rules).
• A Channel is an; Su: (supernatural ability) that cannot be dispelled, is not subject to SR (spell resistance) is effected by Anitmagic and does not provoke an AoO (attack of opportunity) when used.
• A standard action is required to perform a channel (usually)
• A Cleric must be able to present a holy symbol to use this ability
Now a supernatural ability isn't a spell-like ability, it doesn't require a gesture or verbal component to begin working (think; Aura, or Flight). In some cases it does require a mental command to start or maintain an effect and this can be a standard, swift or free action (for us though it’s a standard action).
Now, to the word Present, some posts have suggested that a holy symbol must be held in the hand and strongly presented to the evil to be cleasened by the holy power of the channel – this is incorrect. A Holy Symbol need only be strongly presented to a vampire or similar creature. For the normal use of a channel, a cleric need only present his/her symbol (a subtle and distinct difference). Now consider what is required to hide a holy symbol – if it’s worn on a chain on the neck, simply putting it underneath your clothes allows the symbol to be hidden. So wearing the symbol of your faith on the outside of your clothes (clear for all to see) is the opposite – as it’s worn out - it is presented.
Therefore, if a cleric was paralysed (and not effected mentally) there is no reason why he/she couldn't channel, provided she had a standard action to do so. (Similar to how a Hag might Evil Eye someone even if she is bound).
Let the games begin….