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I'm just a random passerby here but i was looking up bloodmage info bcause my friend told me about it and i came across this post, i read your guys convo and ill add some ideas ive already thought about relating to this.

in terms of the claw you talked about, instead you could give them a dagger with bloodmage lore behind it, and it could give them the ability to summon a magic blade that uses the normal combat system and the special dagger you have lets you use your character level as a BAB (thats one of its effects)

and bam you have a unique, very lore wise, weapon that seamlessly integrates with the class.

and really, supernatural effects being non-magical is something we've always house-ruled. again, i usually specifically look for people who have that mentality in our groups.

another question, if i use furry of blows to hit multiple targets, do they have to be adjecent to eachother? or can i attack anyone at all as long as i can reach them

people in my group are saying it cant, cause thats how they remember the old 3.5 rules and there is nothing in the PF book that specifically says it can

that pretty much sums up my question

so vital strike seems odd to me, just straight up double weapon dmg? now i see its a standard action so i cant make multiple attacks that turn, but can i do a vital strike powerattack cleave? and it would still be a standard action? that seems way OP. for my lvl 7 fighter thats basically an extra 2d8 +6 dmg that hits everything ( viscious strike +great cleave)

Another question. If my bab gives me 2 attacks, if I don't move can I make 2 power attack cleaves?

is it possible to add like a permanent shield spell to an item maybe?

is there some way you can add your strength bonus to AC? through feats or magic items or spells (maybe storing a permanent spell in an item?)

i have a lvl 7 fighter with 23 AC (full plate +2, ring of prot +1, dex mod +1)

so 23 AC isnt as much as id like, looking for more

so cleave is a standard action, and i dont see anything online saying if if a powerattack modifies an attack like that. so does this mean i can move, then do a powerattack cleave all in 1 turn?