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Personally I don't mind if the Tavern set has a large number of non-combatants. I'm hoping for at least one barkeep, a couple tavern wenches, a bard, a cook, a bouncer, a mysterious old man (to give out quests of course), a stableboy, some town watch, a pickpocket, a thug (to start brawls)...I wouldn't even be adverse to off-duty townpeoples like butchers, bakers, merchants etc. ![]()
Cool. I've actually been working on my own list for the last couple nights. A combination of Google searches, various wikis, the Paizo blog posts, previous messageboard comments, my own books etc has enabled me to complete lists for the first few sets. I'm on WotR right now which should be easier as I have all those books. Some of the figures were hard to figure out (ie. Lost Soul = Bodak) but I'm progressing...
A couple examples of what I've been doing (from my Rise of the Runelords set figs 19-21):
So as you see one of the figs was detailed for the information, one just had a couple things added and I didn't bother adding anything to the third as the name said it all. I may have to go back and add certain tags (ie. Male/Female) that I didn't bother with. Also I haven't used page numbers for the references just the book though maybe I'll add those later. The Bestiaries are alphabetical anyway. ![]()
Has anyone gone through the effort of making a guide to the miniatures and their source? This would be especially handy for "named" figures which are for a specific character from a specific book.
I have trouble thinking of Asmodeus as a primordial deity. Having played D&D since 1st he's always been the head Arch Devil to me and not necessarily even the first one.
Your DM is being ridiculous. Wanting to add a more realistic system for living expenses, equipment wear and taxation is fine but the system has to be workable.
Is there any printed information on the Crusader's Oath that crusaders take? All I remember is that it exists and that a lot of crusader's break their oath. I'm curious if it's something crusader's take before they leave for Mendev or that they take when they arrive. Do oath takers have to forswear holdings, titles, or property in other kingdoms? I could see this as if a crusader has nothing to go back to their more likely to stay, plus I did read (on a wiki..) that a couple of the Crusades were supported by Cheliax, Andoran and Taldor with the express purpose of getting rid of troublemakers and/or riff raff. Including something in the Oath tying them to the new land (or at least until the Worldwound is closed, yeah, right) would support this. Is the oath for life? I would assume so. Obviously there are no magical or supernatural consequences to breaking the oath. Ah, I just found the Oath on the Low Templar prestige class write up.
I would like to point out that the odds of getting an exact duplicate of an entire case is 1 in 22,664,576,435,400,900. That's one in 22.6 quadrillion. This assumes equal rarity (which they aren't but I don't know the spread) and no duplicates. It does account for 8 large and 24 small/medium sized models. So at one end of the scale you have true random; at the other you have pre-packed. I believe a reasonable expectation would lie somewhere in the middle. To have your purchase land on such extreme end of the scale speaks to something wrong. I can't imagine getting 3 of the same random brick. That odds of that would be approx 1 in 513,683,024,996,130,000,000,000,000,000,000. So stop blaming the victims or blowing smoke. You're making money from this so it is partially your issue. I haven't gotten a response from Wizkids, so if you could give me a customer service email I would appreciate it. I can't find anything online. And I am not the other poster. All my posts are under this account. ![]()
So I went to Wizkids site and filled out a "Product Replacement Request". Instructions are sorely lacking on it though. I filled out a list of minis and that was it. I am assuming they contact me next? There's no place to write a description of the situation. The product replacement request feature might just be for broken models I don't know, it doesn't say. Well, they have my e-mail, hopefully I'll hear from them soon. ![]()
Thanks for the offer bugley; you're the second to offer a trade, I'll try to organize something in the next day or two if I don't have any success with Wizkids. Keep in mind I love the minis; if I didn't I wouldn't have bought a second brick and wouldn't be upset at the duplication. In response to Vic's comment on randomization, I am an experienced buyer of CCGs in the past and have never gotten duplicate boxes (of course the selection number is much much higher with cards). Still the context of random when buying gaming products is (in my previous experience) such that duplicate boxes should be near impossible, even with the smaller selection of minis. I understand that random isn't truly random but it should still be random. But I'm beating a dead horse here it seems. Maybe this should be something the retailers and distributors should be made aware of so they can keep their boosters/bricks separated or organized as to where they came from. And to Lisa, I do understand Wizkids is making this product but it is associated with your name and your game therefore it is disingenuous to lump all blame onto Wizkids especially considering the niche market we are talking about. Passing the buck is what's wrong with corporate America these days. To everyone telling me to buy things by the case keep in mind that this is a hobby and while I may set aside money for bricks saving up over $500 for an entire case is not something I'm in a position to do. I'll alert the retailers I deal with how the product is "randomized" so other people can hopefully avoid this. I know one of them orders by the brick not the case so they might appreciate it. I'll try contacting Wizkids tomorrow; I'll keep this thread apprised of any progress made. Thanks for responding. ![]()
Steve Geddes wrote:
Thanks for your response; perhaps you're correct in that my expectations were too high. Next time, if I buy miniatures at all, I'll buy one brick and pick up the rest on the singles market. It seems like (after having read the boards)that multiple bricks tend to stick people with far too many of named figs and not enough commons anyway. I am interested in trading but I'm not sure if you're up for being stuck with more named figs you probably have enough of anyway. Not sure what shipping costs; I'm in Canada so it's likely to be a bit more if you're down in the States.Anyway, I'll send you a pm later, I'm off on errands. Thanks again for the response and offer. Cheers. ![]()
TOZ wrote:
My point is that is doesn't say that on the box in the retail store where I purchased it. I expected that "random" meant random, which is what the box said. ![]()
Unfortunately I've had a bad experience buying these minis. I bought a brick at a retailer and quite enjoyed the models. That retailer couldn't get more so I bought another brick at a different retailer and got EXACTLY the same models. I've complained to customer service over at http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz6mhr?Duplicate-Brick#7 but all I get are excuses. My point is that the boxes say "Random assortment" and so I should expect an actual random assortment and now I'm told (and have read on this messageboard) that the boxes seem partially prepacked so that if you buy an entire case (!) you are pretty likely to get a complete set. This, however, is not explained on the boxes at the retail store.
My point is that there is no way my bricks were random; customer service as much as said so and that's what I've since read on the boards as they try to pack bricks so a case will get you a full set. I understand that now but as a buyer in a retail store with experience in buying random packs of minis or cards before this is not something I should reasonably expect. The booster say "Random assortment of minis". Taking the Large minis alone there's only a 1 in 12870 chance of duplication from brick to brick (assuming equal rarity as I don't know the spread, and also assuming no duplicates in the brick). Once you account in the 24 other models the odds are astronomical; I'm taking trillions or much, much higher. My spreadsheet doesn't go that high with real numbers.
Yes, but I am not purchasing miniatures by the case. You are selling them by the case, brick or booster and they are supposed to be random. I don't need an explanation of how they are boxed when they are labelled "Random assortment in each box". I am extremely disappointed by your response and service. How in the world am I supposed to keep track of which bricks are which in a retailer's store anyway? If you are doing something like this you should label the bricks "A", "B", "C" and "D" so people can tell them apart. I didn't even know I had to watch out for things like this until after the fact when I read through the product board.
Well, I hope something can be done. The boxes say "Random assortment in each box" and if they are prearranged they aren't random. The bricks should say "Brick A" and "Brick B" etc. I'm pretty peeved anyway. Maybe I can trade away some of the duplicate named uncommons and rares, I really don't need multiple Mithral Mages or Aldern Foxgloves. ![]()
I bought a brick of Rise of the Runelord pre-painted miniatures. I liked them a lot so went to a different gaming store and bought another brick. The contents of the second brick were exactly the same as the first brick. Exactly. I thought the brick were supposed to be randomized? Is there anything that can be done about this? ![]()
Yeah, I think you are right. Too bad, we (my player and I) were working on an Empyreal Knight/Sacred Servant build with Eldritch Heritage to give DR to summoned creatures.
I like the Demonblight Crusade. Or at least something with the word Crusade. I'm actually running a crusade campaign for my group at the moment. The adventure started off way down in Isger and consists of:
Yes, the group has a lot of healing. They're currently in Druma now; only third level so far. The crusade mostly consists of peasants to settle in Mendev though they have a couple former caravan guards they've aspired to their cause and freed slaves who've joined them. ![]()
So I've been Pathfinder for a couple months now. I've picked up a smattering of products from my local shop, including The Great Beyond.
Hey all, Lets say I have a Dex 18 level Fighter wearing a Chain Shirt. This is a base AC of 18.
I didn't think Dodge or Mobility dodge bonuses were considered against Max Dex when wearing armour but I have the Hero Lab program and it seems one AC short when I built my fighter. It then occured to me that Mobility also might be hindered. Thanks in advance. ![]()
Archmage_Atrus wrote:
That did the trick. Thanks for your help. ![]()
Hey all, Has Paizo released the building icons from Kingmaker in a editable format like jpg? That being said have they release the city map grid that way either? All I have are the pages from my .pdf download. We've been printing them and cutting out the buildings and gluing them to printed map grids and while that's all fun I am out of houses!!! I would like to either cut/paste houses to a city map grid on my computer and simply reprint the cities now and then when they get built up a bit more or make my own sheets with a couple dozen houses and the more common building types and print those so we can physically chop them up and glue the buildings. I don't have any kind of fancy programs for editing, just Paint. |