Is there any printed information on the Crusader's Oath that crusaders take? All I remember is that it exists and that a lot of crusader's break their oath.
I'm curious if it's something crusader's take before they leave for Mendev or that they take when they arrive.
Do oath takers have to forswear holdings, titles, or property in other kingdoms? I could see this as if a crusader has nothing to go back to their more likely to stay, plus I did read (on a wiki..) that a couple of the Crusades were supported by Cheliax, Andoran and Taldor with the express purpose of getting rid of troublemakers and/or riff raff. Including something in the Oath tying them to the new land (or at least until the Worldwound is closed, yeah, right) would support this.
Is the oath for life? I would assume so.
Obviously there are no magical or supernatural consequences to breaking the oath.
Ah, I just found the Oath on the Low Templar prestige class write up.
I'm going to post this anyway just to see what other people think the Oath should be or if they think there would be more to it.