
lAYM's page

8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I would go for both the PDF and the reprints.

I read somewhere that there are 15, or so, cards that need updating/patching.
Is there a list, somewhere, of these cards and the updating/patching info.
I don't have the time to go through all the threads to find this info.

Thanks! I am new at this kind of game and I am trying to learn so I can play with my 2 Grandsons. My questions will tend to be pretty basic and I hope will ease my learning curve. I do try to read everything on this board.

Playing Merisiel solo, I am in combat with an Enchanter. I have no weapon. I have a Blessing of the Gods. Do I use my Strength die d8 + BOTG d8 = 2d8 or 2d4?

SEONIs card says,"For your combat check, you may discard a card to roll your Arcane die + 1d6".

If I discard a blessing card and I add an extra CHARISMA die does this count as the discard? In other words, can I use the discard before I discard it?


I just didn't seem to get it and your explanation helps.

Please explain when I can use an Ally and why?

I am new as can be at Pathfinder/D20, especially MAGIC.

Would someone please explain all the steps it takes if I were to cast DETECT MAGIC in a room, I wouldn't have any distractions, that would tell me if any MAGIC is present, especially dice rolls, what for and when.