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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Well that answers that but I do want to raise another question with this one specific spell. Let's say you're in a more stealth-based scenario. If someone were to save against True Form to resist being outed as, say, a spy, and you succeed the DC, but the caster knows their spell fail... thus that you did resist it, it implies that you have something to hide anyway. Still fair? Unfair?

One of my players wants to know if when he casts a spell that requires a will save, and it succeeds, if he knows that the spell didn't work. To give more context, the spell in question is True Form. He wants to know if his caster knows when it doesn't work versus the target just not having any other form to reveal, though this can apply to some other more subtle spells.

It's of my opinion that, no, he shouldn't know whether or not a spell succeeded but I can see his point. Other spells you can tell at a glance whether they worked or not (Charm Person, for example.)

I wouldn't mind some thoughts/opinions on the matter.

AndIMustMask wrote:

huh. never considered death from above. now i'm seeing assassins creed air takedowns.

have you taken a look at hellcat stealth and IEH (shadow) for sources of HiPS? i mean you already suggest skill focus (stealth), and they're great for approaching targets.

theres a wayfinder you can activate for invisibility purge for a while, in case someone tries to escape.

I was THIS close to including hellcat stealth but I wasn't sure how far reaching I wanted feats suggestions and whatnot to be. After all, now we're getting into some more specific sources than the core. But yes it's a fantastic feat choice.

Shadowlord wrote:

I just read through your guide. I like it a lot, good work.


A few questions/submissions for the list:
1. Gear/Boots - Did you consider Boots of Speed?
2. Gear/Head - Have you considered the Headband of Ninjitsu?
3. Gear/Chest - You have a lot of great chest items on your list. Have you seen the Bane Baldric? Unfortunately, it would only be 5 rounds a day.

Boots of Speed are pretty good (not 4 star good since you're generally shooting for just one hit to take your foe down, although it would be fantastic for someone trying to rack up sneak attacks or just get around the battle field better.) Not sure why it was overlooked so I'll add these in.

Headband of Ninjitus's only saving grace is that bonus to sneak attack and allowing sneak attack against concealment. But that's a pretty big saving grace. I'm just not sure whether it'd be a two-star or three-star item.

Bane Baldric I'm not so sure about. Yeah, Bane is fantastic, but this is one of those items that just makes me squint. If you're not playing an Inquisitor base, then you're not getting maximum potential, and the fact you need to attune your items for 24 hours... and can only do so for one weapon... for a limited number of times a day... All this for 10k gold? Ehhh, I think you'd just be better off slapping Bane on one of your weapons.

Since this might keep coming up I just want to point out that if you're going "Why should I play an assassin instead of ninja" the answer is... Why not? The guide isn't meant to be a reason to favor assassin over any other class, merely a way of making an effective death-attack assassin period. There's multiple reasons you'd play an assassin. For flavor. For setting. Because maybe your GM hates Ninjas. Maybe YOU hate ninjas.

All the more power to ninjas, but trying to argue X class vs Y isn't really the point of this guide so I won't be trying to do so here either.

Roberta Yang: Thanks for catching that, that was before we realized that death attack had to be a melee. (And many tears were shed.)

lemeres: As for natural attack builds, I hadn't actually given it a lot of thought but I don't personally have a lot of experience with them. As for a section on races, I have no problem on that. I just wasn't sure if it was really necessary for a prestige-class guide.

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Hello all! So I've always loved the class guides found here, and noticing a distinct lack of one of my favorite prestige classes, got together with my buddy to put one together. Eagerly looking forward to thoughts and opinions.

The guide is here: Guide