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Organized Play Member. 42 posts (826 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.
Roshan Does Pathfinder Society PbP 1310 PbP Gameday - Darkest Vengeance - utopia0147 (inactive) The Brute Squad Heresy (inactive) DM Beckett's "CITY OF STRANGERS" PFS PbP (1-2) (inactive) Dungeon Delving with the Brute Squad (inactive) Mortika's "Citadel of Flame" (inactive) PFS 1-41 The Devil We Know, Part III - Crypt of Fools (inactive) PFS 1.01 -The Devil We Know - Part I - Group Red (inactive) PFS 1.02 -The Devil We Know - Part II - Cassomir's Locker (inactive) PFS by PbP scenario TBD (inactive) RD's Skull & Shackles: Wormwood Mutiny (inactive) The Valynce Group Adventures (inactive)