Mon–Fri, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific
Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.
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has this been completed?
how do i add this to my cart?
im actually not to keen on the shamen class after looking at it
i was just thinking spell caster but after looking in to it thank you
hey guys wanting to play a half orc shaman of Sezelrian The Fire God no clue where to start any advice
So im running a Dwarf Fighter who uses 2handed weapons im trying to figure out out between a great sword or an earth breaker
i can see that but not interested im gonna stick with two handed fgtr so id love input on how to optimize that
mobile fighter ive not seen the archtype
so...I'm thinking of building a dwarven fighter/barbarian armoured hulk archetype and the two handed arch type any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.