jim selzer's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (13 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


have been lucky to NEVER EVER had a player want to be a monk in any of my FRG campaigns in 40 years and OMG I hope to continue that streak. I find no room for the class in my world view and would love to keep it that way. (this includes a half hearted attempt to run an Oriental Adventures game but everyone wanted to be a ninja)

I have played in others games where Monks were played including the 3rd ed broken ones with vows of poverty to cheese up powers. They have their place in Eastern or pulp settings but they like all the Eastern classes seem to clash with High Fantasy archtypes

Wow I remembering reading this almost 35 years ago glad to see they are being reprinted going to have to get them thanks for rekindling old memories of the old Burroughs/Kline rivalry/feud over planet jumping

jim selzer wrote:
Just wondering on status of refund checks as it is now Oct and I have heard or seen nothing about the refunds being processed.

Ok now it's Nov 19 and still no refund in hand. Is there a timetable?

Thanks for the update

Just wondering on status of refund checks as it is now Oct and I have heard or seen nothing about the refunds being processed.