jiggla's page

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Teiidae wrote:

Same with me, i've laid the back for it...but my group needed to take a break which is fine, by the time we start again I should have the WotW books, because they're back ordered on the paizo site.

THX so far, I´m gonna check it out!

Hello there, first post in here!

I have like 20 years of Roleplaying experience and still loving it.
Yet one wish was never really granted.
There are so many really great Adventure Paths and especially you Guys at Paizo-Pathfinder put so much love into detail that its a pleasure playing them.

But for once I don´t wanna save the World, free the Slaves or fight the Demonhordes.
I´d like a Campaign where the goal is to open a gate to the Abyss, or plot and scheme to enslave a kingdom and become the new tyrant.

There are so many cool Races I never got to play because of there evil ties, like Drows Bugbears, Gnolls and many more. Even lots of Classes or Archetypes seem difficult to play in classic "Hero-Stories".
And yeah I´ve played the "Evil Guy" trying to redeem himself, but thats not what i want.

I´d like a Campaign where the goal can only or also be accomplished by fullfilling morally questionable deeds. Furthermore it should be somewhere where Duergar, Half-Fiends and Goblins can walk along the Street without any problems.

Or does his Campaign already exist?