jez's page

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My group is just about to start a new campaign and I'm stuck as to what to play.

We're starting at 2nd level with an 18 point buy. The GM prefers to just use core, but has said that he might allow us to use options from the APG with his permission.

The other characters are:
A human paladin-rogue
An elf fighter-rogue
A half-orc cleric with the sun and fire domains
A dwarf ranger focusing on ranged combat

I think, given that the others have picked characters that are fairly capable in combat, and that my last character (a half-orc paladin) was a bit of a star, that I would like to play a supporting character.

I'm not too concerned about playing an optimised character; I'm more interested in playing a fun character, but I want to be useful.

I have this miniature from Hasslefree that I really like.
I was thinking of playing a Dwarf bard, and my initial concept was a middle-aged respectable scribe who could be the voice of wisdom in the party, but now I'm not so sure. I'd also like to have some kind of contrast with the other Dwarf in the party so that we're not treading on each other's toes too much...

Does anyone have any advice?