hi, this is my first post and i hate to come across like a troll cos i'm not, but i really have to get this off my chest about the china mieville 'spectacular' in this month's dragon.
i've been reading dragon since about '91, and i've always appreciated that the guys putting it together have a hard time pleasing everyone, especially as in my experience us gamer geeks can be a tough audience. some issues i've found more inspiring or useful than others, (obviously!) but i've always enjoyed reading each issue... until this one.
i don't like china mieville as an author or a person. there is nothing in the huge amount of pages dedicated to his work that i want to include in my games. and i'm really disappointed with this issue. when i saw the preview in last month's issue i felt a sense of dread and some of my friends told me i should have not bothered buying it, but i didn't listen. i should have done!
see, i get that some people really dig his work and find it very radical and new and that's cool. whatever floats your boat. but it doesn't work for me. i could have happily turned a blind eye to a two-page novel approaches style article - but this was the lion's share of an entire issue!
i thought the novel approach articles were a great idea. really fantastic. i get loads of ideas from them, and odten end up rummaging on my bookshelves for a book i'd almost forgotten about.
and there are so many cool new fantasy books out there! a couple of days ago i started reading philip reeve's 'mortal engine's' series and they're way cool! delightfully imaginative and slightly askew, and real rip-roaring adventures.
but mieville doesn't do it for me.
see, there's a lot of fantasy out there that i don't like. i don't as a rule like tolkien clones (i don't particularly like tolkien), i don't like pretentiousness on the part of the author, i like fresh ideas and new ways of looking at things.
now i know mieville thinks of himself as a revolutionary, both politically and literally, but i don't view him as such. i find a lot of his ideas fairly prosaic, or dusted off from another genre and given a fresh coat of paint to make them look novel. same with his politics really, that he keeps banging on about. he styles himself a radical 'marxist', but really he's a posh boy whose politics are basically just liberalism dressed up in radical language and with a nasty elistist streak. and the unneccessary big words and the clunky prose? it's not big and it's not clever. that's part of the reason i read a lot of children's fiction nowadays - to my way of thinking it takes more skill to write a story that's accessible to as many people as possible.
sigh. sorry now i sound like a troll and that wasn't my intention.
see, i know from the other posts that are on this board that lots of people are really excited by mieville's work and i'm pleased for you. i really am. anything that inspires people to get together and run good fun games is a good thing.
i just wanted to get this rant off my chest (my mates are bored of hearing it already!) and just say that i, for one was very disappointed that so much page space was given over to one author (especially one i dislike ;-) ) when it would be cool to see a wider variety of literary fantasy represented.
cheers and sorry to anyone i've offended