jefffuller's page
Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters.
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Thanks. I happened on it at psrd, and they just added it the otherday. Its from a pathfinder paizo product, thats why i thought it would be somewhere.
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is vampire hunter legal to play.its from Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: The World of Vampire Hunter D, but I cant find it.
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if I wAS to stab someone with airbubble they should take damage correct? how about fireball, or a dragons acid spray? the person should be taking damage correct?
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air bubble protects from pressure of the sea, and gasses, what about physical attacks, also energy attacks, breathwaepons and so forth. I say they affect the person.
I want to use shocking grasp. It says instantaneous. So i cant cast it and next round hit. I thought i would be able to hold the charge.
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Why dont they have a half dwarf. I woul love to play one. They have half elf. Half orc. And even half drow.
its this simple. Can paladins use fighter feats.
Jeraa wrote: jefffuller wrote: so creating a new item it says every 1000 gold =1 day, but if the item is already created, and you are wanting to add to it, or amplify such as making it IE: headband charisma +2 to +4, how long should it take, you are not creating a new item only enhancing it. its an extra 12000 gold , so would it take 12 days? sounds like a long time just to add an enchantment, you are not crafting a new headband, which takes most of the time. what are your thoughts, thanks. It is 1 day for every 1000 gp. So if you are doing 12000 gp worth of upgrades, it will take 12 days.
It doesn't matter if you craft the item totally from scratch or add abilities little by little, the amount of time is still the same. that sucks
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so creating a new item it says every 1000 gold =1 day, but if the item is already created, and you are wanting to add to it, or amplify such as making it IE: headband charisma +2 to +4, how long should it take, you are not creating a new item only enhancing it. its an extra 12000 gold , so would it take 12 days? sounds like a long time just to add an enchantment, you are not crafting a new headband, which takes most of the time. what are your thoughts, thanks.
so I was playing the other night, and was told as the personstanding up I could not use sneak on them, I thought standing up caused AOP, and would allow sneak, am I wrong in this?
thats what I thought as well, thanks for confirming
can you use finese weapon and agile weapon or is it either on or the other. I think its one or the other. but some people say you should be able to use both.
I have a question , is the spell summon vanth from Pathfinder Adventure Path #80 "Empty Graves" legal to play with. a friend says yes, but I donty own empty graves. is it legal to play at all?
loved this scenario, was trying to post on product review. this was great,
JOHN DICKERSON wrote: I have this feeling that there is going to be a haunt in a PFS module where the "running away" tactic means that we won't be able to complete the adventure, though I don't fault you logic in the slightest. I'm mostly looking for a way to deal with a haunt after it has activated, because it can be pretty hard to know that it's a haunt right off the bat, before it's done anything.
I'm going to wait until my character levels up and takes ranks in knowledge religion before acquiring a haunt contingency plan, but I'm running low on ideas.
I played a mod, I wont mention, but it was a situation if you fail your save you cude gras yourself you are dead.
I have a question about society play, in the pathfinder rpg character traits, on page 5 or 6, cant remember, it says you can start play with 900 gold instead of 150. can we use this trait? its called rich parents. I am still kinda new to the game, and would like to know.