jason walker 19's page

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Has anyone tried having one or some of the NPC's from the first book survive into at least part of the rest of the campaign? I'm starting the campaign this weekend, and my party is pretty RP focused. I'm worried that investing them in all the NPC's from the Chimera Mystery and trying to get them attached to those characters will make them frustrated when they *all* die off. I was thinking maybe their favorite NPC could survive, but somehow need the party to complete the dungeon to save the NPC for some story reason. (Maybe they're trying to resist Gray programming to commit suicide, but can't resist forever, and will be okay if they can leave the station.)

Has anyone's parties run into this frustration? It may not be a big deal, because when you run this campaign your party kinda has to be on board with getting railroaded through some major twists, like

being revealed as clones themselves at the end.