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Hello people from Golarion!

I'm running a new RPG based in 5e called "El resurgir del Dragon" (Return of the dragon).
The campaign setting in Voldor allows many new races. I always used the paizo pawns to represent combat and similar so...

I wonder if people who has run several APs may give me guidelines if i want to find pawns of enemies, NPC or PC from this races to buy the Pdf:

Arainas: insectoid with four arms
Hippotid: Big hippopotamus man
Felinids: catfolk
Draconids: similar to dragonborn in 5e
Saurian: Lizardfolk
Karasu: crow men, tengu
Kitsune: humanoid foxes
Mida: a race reminding from planet of the apes
Morlock: horroble mutant and blue/grey skinned people from the undergroud
Batrok: do you remember Frog from Chrono trigger? That's it. Like the grippli
Vipers: serpentfolk.

The idea is having different characters from each race: a rogue, a warrior, a spellcaster...


Sam Phelan wrote:

Hey janistader,

I do not believe we have made any progress with Devir. This topic was recently brought up in another thread and I can provide what I know from there, here. We have a process set up that allows Devir to add PDFs to our store. To the best of our knowledge this process is functional.

We do not have an estimation for if or when this process will be completed. I'm sorry for any inconvenience of these products not being available.


I know there are many books of the pathfinder and starfinder line translated to spanish, but the way i get them in digital format seems unaccesible.

I see that paizo store is working well and devir has a good frecuency of translation. the uploads to the store are the clue.i'm sorry so many spanish and latinamerican can't buy the pdf...

buying everithing in physical, my furniture can"t afford more books

Well, thank you for the answer and keeping this forum so effective.

Any answers from Devir?

I know it's not a popular thread...
Thank you

Justin Franklin wrote:
janistader wrote:

Well, it seems no one from paizo has said anything in this way. i think the conversion document is a must, and they know.

we will be waiting for any notice, conversion "on the fly" sounds so good

Apparently you missed the quote above. Jason has said in several places there will be something. Just not what it is yet.

not apparently. I missed totally.

things that happen when diagonal-reading.

Well, it seems no one from paizo has said anything in this way. i think the conversion document is a must, and they know.

we will be waiting for any notice, conversion "on the fly" sounds so good

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There will be any document similar to the 3.5 to Pf guide that convert adventure paths from pf1 to pf2? Or pf2 to pf1? I haven't seen any information from paizo in this way

Honestly, I'm interested in the new pathfinder but i have many of Adventure paths i haven't played yet and it will be great to get them in the new system

Sorry for reflood, but i would apreciate that any response being publicated in that post.

Thanks for the answer.
I see the are some of the books in spanish to buy in PDF, but there's no one AP but RotR.

Hope your efforts get positive respose.
Greetings and thank you again

PD: sorry for my english... that's why i want to purchase spanish version.

Hello Paizo team.
I am a user of Pathfinder RPG spanish version. It has been more than a year since Devir (translation licensed) posted they began to start uploading translated Adventure paths to the Paizo online store (they are many of them translated as physical books).

There hasn't been any changes in and i wonder if Devir is managing to really upload them, or they don't have any
will to do that.

Thank you