jaguar451's page

4 posts. Alias of K Krull.


EdOWar wrote:
Mordo wrote:
EdOWar wrote:

House rules I've thought about:


E5? Any big difference from E6? Do you have a set of house rules for that type of campaign? I'm looking to adapt PF to E5 using th BB as a base. Any other useful input would be much appreciated

My understanding is that, more or less, in an E6 campaign the level cap is 6. So, an E5 campaign would have a level cap of 5, to match the BB. PCs still get to pick new feats after level 5, say every additional 5,000 XP or so (or maybe 10,000 xp, not exactly sure yet). I don't think it would require any more work than that, unless I've missed something about E6 style campaigns.


I think lvl 5 vs 6 is close, although doesn't seem like Fighter get their "capstone" ability until level 6: a second attack.... (unless Weapon Training counts...) Yeah, it's a new rule (can houserule like Trailblazer: optional 2 attacks a round, both at -2 (+4/+4); seems easier than +6/+1), and not exactly a fireball, but something cool for fighters to work towards....

But all depends on what ye want.

One other diff with E6 are new feats to bring in higher level aspects that you want...

Other sources of ideas for house rules I've considered: .html (for full PF; but a couple of interesting ideas that could be applied to a Beginner Box game)

Another take at adding Ranger-like class for BB: PG/houseRules/beginnerBoxExpandedCharacterClassOptionsWorkInProgress

Thanks for sharing. Although for the Hunter class, Favorite Foe creature type is quite broad -- +2 against all humanoids?

LazarX wrote:
If you can't cope with the full rules set by the time you're running 5th level characters, you might has well just say you're running an E5 game.

It's more a "Don't want" to deal with the full rules / levels. I'd personally love an 'E6' expansion set.... :) Add a level to the existing classes, a few more feats, spells, critters, etc, rules for "advancement" (1 feat every X XP, with slow, medium, fast option, ...), maybe 3-4 defined archetypes for each class showing examples of reasonable feat choices for progression, ....