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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


Bought it as soon as it was live and already sank some time into it.

Works great on steamdeck, you just need to switch to ProtonGE to be able to run it, but well done. I like the setting more than Vampire Survivors.

Feedback so far:
- Interesting skills and feats for the heroes, I'm hoping for some way to combine them in future updates.
- Dice mechanic with the loot is fine - but I really want hero points to re-roll them (for example, after killing the first boss, I got a legendary item at 16 and up, but, of course, i rolled poorly). Maybe one heropoint per level (or game) with optional quests ingame to replenish them or earn more?
- some issues with standing to close to the first boss, if he is stunned, pc gets hurt if you stand close, but not touching him. not too game breaking, I just noticed it.
- future updates with more classes would be awesome, maybe even some way to customize your companion ahead or during the game.

Otherwise, thumbs up, solid Vampire Survivor alternative, will stay on my steamdeck.

Gary Teter wrote:

The personalizer server threw a rod last night and sprayed bit fluid all over the colocation facility. We spent several hours last night trying to make it happy but no dice—we're going to try swapping out some pieces today that we couldn't last night.

We have a preliminary transition plan to get a replacement server back up but it'll probably take a few hours to get everything into place if we're unable to get the main server back online.

Adding redundancy to this system has been on the todo list for some time but it's easy to get complacent when a server has hundreds of days of uptime with no problems.

Thank you for the information. I know you might have a lot on your hands, but a quick post just helps people understand. I'll look into the online version.

HowlingWolf wrote:

It would have also been nice to see a warning that downloads were down during the check out process. It was a frustrating to just finish the check out process only to find I could not access my purchase.

I agree. This is really frustrating. I wanted to dive into the Rulebook right away.