Vampire Seducer

ilvaherself's page

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CorvusMask wrote:

It does feel bit inconsistent with other continents having them, but I guess its okay as long each of countries do get good amount of content each of them since meta regions did have benefit of "well, alkenstar wouldn't really gets its own setting book, but impossible lands could"

Especially since Tian Xia had like... 26 countries not counting darklands?

Entirely speculation here, but the book is called "Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia World Guide" like the original World Guide setting book, as opposed to "Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia" like Mwangi or Impossible Lands. Could be purposeful, signaling that more regionally focused books can now start coming from this part of the world. It also could just be an entirely different style of book. I hope it's the former though, this book is ever so slightly shorter than Mwangi and it'd be a shame if this was the only big setting release we got for Tian Xia.