igorbabyeater's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

If I cast tiny hut, can my projected shadow leave the hut without ending the spell as my body is still inside? Or is my shadow enough of "me" to make the spell end?

I'm interested in this for obvious reasons

Scarab Sages

ok so im new to this all and was not a gm for this event but this seems the place to put this.

i played this with an osirion factioned pc
im not a big fan of sending secret notes to the gm, so when i got my handout i read it and decided i would do as was asked.

to be clear here is what was asked
Hero of the Ruby Prince,
Word has reached me that you journey into the realm of the Mammoth Lords. I believe that not only wealth, but also some forgotten relics of our great past lie beneath the snows your feet will soon tread upon. I must have whatever map the Ulfen sage gives you for your journey. A copy will suffice, but it must be accurate enough to retrace your steps, and preferably created without others knowing we are interested in the route you travel.

there's more but my issue is with the first part. I made a copy of the map under the pretense of not putting all the eggs in one basket so if someone got trampled by mammoths we would still have another map. the party thought it was a good idea and approved of my doing so (not knowing it was for my faction) the judge however said that because others knew i had done it i would not get the faction reward. Clearly my faction wanted this map did i get it? yes! they also want no one knowing that they want it... did i accomplish that? yes! so why does the scenario(according to the gm) require a different thing of me than the handout says? I'm not sure it does , but i know my gm did not want to listen to my reason for why i succeeded what are my options here?

my gm reads my handout and sees this (preferably created without others knowing) when it clearly should be read as (preferably created without others knowing we are interested in the route you travel)
so i lose a faction point to either a stubborn gm or an poorly written scenario