Danse Macabre

ignominious's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


I do not post often on this forum but when I do it is to post about things that I have not seen posted about yet on this forum.

My biggest grievance with this class is that it has class features that it can already get that are part of its spell list. Sacred weapon and Sacred Armor are huge trap options for characters since they can be replicated with spells greater magic weapon, magic vestments and other spells that can add affects to your weapons. Sure you can go over your base weapon enhancement for a few rounds but the +5 max on it makes it worth less except in special circumstances where you don't have your gear and even then you can still copy this with spells.

Since the cleric spell list already lets you spam enhancement bonuses sacred weapon and sacred armor would work much better if they were replaced with the fighter ability Armor Training and Weapon Training.

The rest I don't feel as strongly about since this class is worse than a cleric and better than a fighter so it is sort of balanced.

The summoner is scary at any level. The eidolon its self can be as powerful as the party fighter especially with the summoner backing it up and the summoner isn't a slouch either especially with its spell list and abilities. Its like if a bard and a fighter teamed up in one character.

I have been thinking the exact same thing.

The only reason I have been thinking of playing an oracle was so I could take 1 level of it and then all the rest in cleric if I felt like giving up the caster level. I could boost my cleric stuff like getting the revelations bleeding wounds, so I could burst negative channel and make people in a 30 ft radius start bleeding from there eyes and stuff. the oracle channel energy doesn't do damage and the oracle revelations that do negative energy damage require touch attacks.

I agree I would like the oracle to have better spell progression, or just something better than clerics since,
1. Flavor wise it seems more mystical orientated than a cleric.
2. mechanically oracle spell casting is horrible compared to clerics.
Clerics can spontaneously heal and have access to their entire list to choose from every day. Not including other stuff to add more spontaneous spells. I would like the oracle to at least be able to switch out its spells known every day instead of every level.

Compared to the rest of your party your good at least until the fighter takes more levels of sorcerer and starts self buffing. But as for advancement beside some of the good suggestions above you could do mounted combat and eventually get a blink dog and just charge people constantly while raging or just ride-by-attack or over-run.

Besides that Im not sure what else would help since you have a high int so you could take the combat expertise stuff but your size and really works against you CMB wise.