
iSqueam's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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My books still have the pricetag on them. I ran a game for the first time in years. Afterward I scooped up the Core Four, as I like to call them regardless of gaming system.

I didn't know anything about Organized Play last week. Since then, posting here and talking with players and others, I've discovered that the community is perhaps the least toxic of ANY group, gaming or otherwise.

Portability is another aspect I have already fallen head over heels for. I can join a random group of players and not be overwhelmed by house rules and tweaks. I'm playing the same game as so many other people, each adding their own special flavor to a rich and vibrant world. A world that me or my players' actions can shape the future of!

When I played old Gygaxian, 2e, or 3.x systems new players were a precious thing. It was exceedingly difficult to work the sudden appearance of a new PC into a custom world, which describes virtually any game group I'd previously encountered. With PFS, a pickup game is not only possible - it is actively encouraged by players and developers alike.

Speaking of developers, I have been overwhelmed by the commitment to quality in this world. An MMORPG has immediate ways to adjust any mistakes, glitches, or balance concerns. All previous tabletop RPG games have been either unable or unwilling to keep past products relevant in the shadow of new books and content.

I haven't been around Golarion long. There is so much for me to discover. To someone who has been playing games like this for decades, that speaks volumes. Add to that all I gave mentioned, and I can't wait to see what lies ahead. Bring me that horizon.

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Had a party leave town without anyone having a backpack. They spent a whole night just making the characters and buying gear. They had all the Swiss army knife bought and paid for. But nobody had enough gold for a bag, they only checked encumbrance