Ramoska Arkminos

hotsauceman's page

Organized Play Member. 243 posts (245 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

So, been off to college for two years or so. I left just when year of the demon was wrapping up. So my friend took me to kublacon, I died like twice(Stupid spellcasting yetis and bonekeep)
But I noticed a few things changed. we just finished Year of the serpent and now Im loss. factions have changed or been dropped, when I left, Aassamar, Tiefling and tengu where legal and my soul wasnt crushed from hours of writing papers.
So I have some questions. What big things have changed? I have played a Gunslinger, an Inquisitor and a Barbarian.
What was the story of the two seasons I missed?
Who are the new factions and why did they change their names.
What happened to the shadow lodge?

So, my friend started a Dark Sun campaign and I want a Halfling cavalier.
The only problem is, I cant has the normal mounts available
I had to find a suitable mount.
Does anyone know where i can find such a thing? What publication?

Is it possible? I realized I made alot of mistakes for me PFS inquisitor. Including base ability skills.
Is there any way to completely rebuild him even after lvl 1? I am dissatisfied with him.

So im going to my first convention(Kubla) and i need to know a few things. Know I got to tournaments for warhammer and warmachine, So I know things like stay hyrated, bathe, be a decent human being. But is there anything I should know? Like what happens in my character dies but is scheduled for another event?
Any help woould be appreciated.

So, my area is lacking for GMs as of late. Know, im a quick learner, but i have only ever played and i only have been playing Pathfinder for bout a year and a half know. I know much of the core rule. but im not that familiar with them all.
What are some things I should do to get myself situated? I got a Combat pad, Im thinking maybe a deck of condition cards and other things.

This came up recently when I was playing a 1-2 tier with my lvl 3. The disappeared actually. I was told by the local organizer the Out of sub tier is only for season 5. To me that didnt sound right, 500gp sound fine and I didnt want to make a stink and seem like a player that just want more Loot.
but I specifically remember a way to do fiqure out a way to do out of subtier. Add the two closest Together, then divide by two.

Ok, so this discussion came up when I expressed my idea for a Dhampir Archer Paladin if I ever got the boon.
PVP is strictly not allowed in PFS. Now, lets say this scenario, A Cleric is in a party with a Dhampir. The cleric Channels postive energy w/o the selective channeling feat. Because a Dhampir is hurt by positive energy, does that make it PVP? And cant be done?

In orer to not Derail another thread Im here to ask. Why do people not like sundering in PFS? It seems like a perfectly viable tactic to help with fights. How does this hurt the spirit of the game? IS someone sunders a Spell pouch/ A weapon and so forth why is that considered a bad tactic?

So, i just really got back into PFS and didnt get much time to play. So the GM askes me for a tracking sheet, and I have no idea what that is so im dumbfounded HE said I have to make a sheet of all purchases I have made, go back to to my chronicles and write down when I sold, when I bought and so forth.
So, for my lvl 7 barbarian, I have to try to remember when I used all the potions I baught? Or do I start when I get it?

So. What are some times you almost doomed the entire party? With disaterous consequences?
Mine was a couple
Spoilers obvious
The Many Favors of Grandmaster Torch

We are chasing him into the spice warehouse and I am just outside. Im playimg my ifrit gunslinger so she perceives him and is about to cast burning hands, but I cant do it without hurting a worker. So I settle for my Gun. Which then fires and sets ablaze a small fireball worth of spice. If I cant burning hands, that wuld have been a TPK right there

Wardstone Patrol
My barbarion falls his will save several times, so he is paranoid and starts attacking the party, no one can kill him. So Im doing attackig the party members while the demon laughs.

So, I want a masterwork musket for my gunslinger. but muskers are expensive
Then I noticed I can add masterwork 1 per character with the masterwork transformation spell.
So, can I do that with my starting musket.
As a side note, how much will that cost. I know I have to pay 300, but what else?

Ok, so im confused. This says I can continue raging after I fall onconcious. Does that mean Im still standing and fighting?
Like lets say I get hit by an attack that gives me -2 hitpoints and raging, Am I still attacking?

So, My gunslinger replayed a scenario for no credit. Now my bullets cost 5gp and I used alot....
This is a case of conflicting view, on GM says I take the penalties(Including gold spent) but no credit, but one says "Nope, it is as if you never played that scenario" Which is it

Ok, So for this lets say im reloading as a free action and have haste on me. Lets say im using a simple musket.
Haste gives me an extra attack, With that extra attack, can I use Rapid shot with it and with the first attack. For something like 4 shots, at full BAB(including the negative from modifiers like deadly aim and such.)
So it would be fire, Reload, Fire, Reload, Fire, Reload ,Fire
This is for Pathfinder society.

Im confused about this and its proficiencys
"A musket master only gains proficiency with two-handed firearms. She must take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearm) feat to gain proficiency with two-handed firearms and firearm siege engines."
It says that it has to take a feat to gain proficiency with 2h fire arms, but it says it already had proficiency.

So this is a potentially stupid question. But my friend gave me his ifrit boon no strings attached. How do I use it? Do i just put the Char name/number/my name on the thing? Do i recite a magic word? We have some strict GMS here so what do I do?
Also, The Ifrit I'm playing was raised by elfs and thinks she is one because her mother always told her she was. Now awhile back we had a player whose PC was a halfing but wore a goblin suit prtending to be a goblin. Quite a few didnt like that thinking he was breaking rules by pretending to be a goblin. Do you think a Delusional Ifrit who thinks she is an elf is bending the rules or not?

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So, How about we post some of or character Backgrounds for fun.
Here are Mine

Dwarf Barbarian: Kaldrok. A former dwarven noble who got disowned by his family after they found out about his preference of men over women. His anger stems from his loss of his vast fortune. He know hw to properly track animals and prey. He hates ale and thinks of it as a commoners drink. HE will regularly insult other pathfinders(I always ask the table if it is ok In char to do it, they are always fine) But has an inflated sense self and it often gets him and his group in trouble. He is Aldoran who joined the pathfinders to get great wealth

Human Inquisitor: Martrel: A native chelaxian who specializes in ranged attacks. He is a bit slow. He worship asmodues for no other reason because it starts with the first letter of the alphabet. But is is very insightful and good with a bow. He often just sits in the back and quietly observes.
But he does have a penchant for doing stupid things. He joined the pathfinders because he embrassed a priest during a ceremony

Ifrit Gunslinger: Maria: An Ifrit who was raised by two elves since she was a month old. He mother always told her she was an elf with special fire powers. Even into adulthood she still thinks she is an elf and will pull her gun on anyone who says otherwise. Her father taught her how to work with a gun at a young age. but they kept their only child sheltered . She is a well known pathological Liar that she doesn't even know if it is the truth. The reason she joined the pathfinders is to help her parents in their retirement and to see the world. She joined the silver crusade because she thought she would earn extra silver.

So my friend is thinking giving me his Ifrit boon for PFS because he said they tend to be be for spell casters, which he doesn't like.
So I want to make him a gunslinger. But the problem is they take away from wisdom. I was thinking the Mysterious stranger Archetype would work, because of the bonus to charisma. But I loose gun training.
My friend says that isnt a big deal because later on rather then adding hit bonuses to my gun I just give it elemental damage(Fire, Electrical and other such things) because i tend to hit on touch.
So Can I make an ifrit gunslinger work?

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So recently my local PFS has had problems with kids. This may seem like an old man rant or problem but just hear me out.
So most of our group tend to be young college students or old vets. People who tend to take the game seriously, Not too seriously we joke and we make fun but at the end we know the rules and go through on a pace.
But recently we have had an influx of young kids. Some are good and know the rules. but most tend to treat it as video game night, brining firends over and disrupting stuff. They make a mess of things and stuff. They ten to not know the rules nor care too. The biggest it problem is that they tend to not stay the night having to commit till 10 or later to finish a game. One game last night failed their scenario because of disrupting kids and one leaving. I am all for getting young ones into the game, but after working all day many people do not want to deal with watching people 10 and younger.
What to do?

Im looking at the wording. It seems if I take the pistolero archetype I can do douple dex damage because Pistol Training doesnt replace gun training

So, Im trying to get a game for the new reign of winter adventure path.
But among my friends there is a very small amount of people who want to play.
So someone came up with an idea, 2 characters per player, with 3 that would give us 6.
Now I know in my game i can do what i wish, but how practical is this? The only problem i can think up comes in initiative and RP aspects.
This will also be my first time GM'ing, any ideas of what to get?

So im playing a ranged inquisitor, so I'm trying to decide which is better.
The composite longbow gives me 1d8+2 points of damage with a x3 crit.
But the crossbow seems better when i use my judgment.
the only problem is the lack of Rapid shot with the Repeating crossbow, Which is something I would like to use.
with 15 Strength, what is better?

Ok, So i got my friend into PFS, The first two games he played where higher tier(both 3-5 or so). One with his chracter(He got carried), the other with a lvl 4 pre-gen. We keep getting conflicting answers to whther we can applying the EXP, some GMs say yes others, no. We need to know because if he can, we can lvl up his character.

So I'm looking at the PRD to use the tactic inquisition. But i looked at class guides and it said only follower of certain gods can take them.
But I cant find that anywhere in the description of inquisitions.

So I'm making a ranged Inquisitor. Half-elf with Ancestral Arms(I took A pilum so i can get rid of the mean shields)
I decided on the fire domain.
Only problem is Im wonder is how to build it with stats.
so far i got(with the 20 pt purchase system)

I also want to make it a bit helpful in diplomacy and bluff(I'm making it for society and people tend not to do this, so it cant hurt)
But the only problem is m trying to get extra damage Thrown around. 1d8 per turn isnt going to do much until I get to an End fight and start burning abilities.
for my first feat i plan on taking Precise shot. It seems like a no brainer to me for the first one.
Please and Thank you for the help. Im still New to RPG's. they are fun, but confusing.

So im making a ranged inquisitor.
It says that "to learn or cast a spell an inquisitor must have a Wisdome score equal to 10+ the spell level"
I am utterly confused.

So i want to make an Inquisitor with access to the fire domain, But i dont like Seranrah. But the only other god with access to that Domain is Asmodeus. Now it says that i have to be within one step of his alignment. Which means the only available one is LN.
So can i have an evil god, But with a non evil alignment?

So I'm playing a barbarian and I would like to apply an Archetype. So what do i do to apply that archetype now that the character has been made?
Is the even possible?
Pleas and thank you.

So im about to buy my first ever masterwork weapon for my dwarf barbarian.
Im trying to decide of a weapon. I can use and urgosh as a martial weapon so that is a plus.
But a greataxe rolls a d12 while an urgosh rolls a D8 for the axe, the spear being d6.
I'm planning on making it cold iron. gold isn't much of an option though so i can afford the 700 for the Urgosh, but the great axe would do more damage.
If this helps im a lvl 2(about to hit 3 this week) with 16 strengh.

Ok, So +1 magic weapons give you a plus 1 roll on damage and attack rolls.
But Magic are Listed as better versions of masterwork weapons.
does this mean you actually get a +2 on the attack roll from the magic weapon and the masterwork part of it?

So I'm making a Society character. And I'm trying to get a hold of the "Purchase system" I think i got it down.
I have 20 points to spend on abilities.
Sense 10=0 I can put ten in all of my scores.
But lets say i want to put 18 in strength? I spend 17 of that 20 for that 18, leaving me with 3. But lets say I want to put 7 in charisma which is -4.
Does that mean i get 4 more points to spend on abilities leaving me with 7 points?
Please and thank you for the help.

I just got the beginner box and i fell with love with the modules i played. But getting down to society is something that is not very possible at the time. And i would love to be part of a bigger game(not just one off modules)
I live in concord California in the smack Dap middle of the place, I have a bike that i can use to get around quite a bit(And pathfinder stuff isnt hard to carry around. And if my friend chips in he will give me a ride.
Anyone looking for a chracter at lvl one to join in the fun?