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Organized Play Member. 36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Unchained Rogue does not have the ki pool rogue talent that the original rogue has. I was hoping to pick up the ninja trick Vanishing Act, but I need a ki pool to use it. Can I get it by taking ninja trick-> rogue trick -> ki pool?

Sorry, was unsure if this was a core thing or not. Here is a link

https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/extras/community-creations/hous e-rules/classes/paladin-of-freedom

God she follows is Desna if that makes a difference

So we have an oracle looking to take two levels of Paladin with the freedom archteype. She just got 3rd level spells and Blindness/Deafness came up. Our DM said that she could not take it as it violated the code to not remove choice from people. Is this a bit too restrictive?

lemeres wrote:
hjs102 wrote:
Thanks for the Batman advice! That is really good! It also got me that apparently my sense motive check was to him "just a hunch" and not definitive. So it told me nothing >_< He also felt I needed physical proof before opening the door

Sorry for the double post, but the last one was a general discussion on how to be lawful without following the specific laws of the land. Another question here is this: under whose authority are you acting? What is the set up for your campaign right now.

This is important, since undead are a major public concern- particularly ones that reproduce like ghouls. If you are working under a proper authority, such as the town mayor (very common), then you might not need to get things like 'physical evidence', since this is definitely a 'better safe than eaten by ghouls' situation.

You are just doing a simple inspection to insure that the body was properly cremated. What particular interest do they have in stopping you? Do they have something to hide?

Also note- this is set in medieval times. So the laws about searches and seizures without a warrant are DELIGHTFULLY more lax than the modern age. The country might even have special exceptions in this situation because 'GREAT LORD ABADAR THERE ARE UNDEAD RUNNING AROUND'.

As a final note- yeah, Batman. Great example of a 'personal code', since we all know he is breaking a bajillion vigilante, assault, and trespass laws. He works hard to keep himself in line though.

In this case we are known "heroes" of the town for stopping a goblin uprising. We were called in by the sheriff to work with him on a case about a serial killer, who we had strong leads to being an undead and now know is/is using ghouls. In fact the sheriff is who sent us to the place and under whose authority we were investigating. I myself am a wandering monk searching for ruins and knowledge, which i collect and help preserve. I am not technically a resident of any one settlement, though I have stopped by the town often.

Thanks for the Batman advice! That is really good! It also got me that apparently my sense motive check was to him "just a hunch" and not definitive. So it told me nothing >_< He also felt I needed physical proof before opening the door

Had a question I wanted to ask on a situation that came up. I was playing the second Runelords adventure (monk/rogue). We came back to the sanitorium and were refused entry. So here are the facts of what we had.
1. We knew the guy in there was dead, and had died of ghoul fever. He would become a ghoul at midnight.
2. We had a girl rescued from the farm who had ghoul fever. She needed to see a cleric.
3. We had previously saved the sanitorium head guy from an attack, and left with thanks from him the day prior.
4. We were refused entry by a worker, who told us the ghoul fever guy had died and been cremated. I knew he lied thanks to sense motive.

The guy who answered the door said he was going to get the owner. I immediately attempted to open the lock on the door, as I was highly suspicious of the lies and very very uncomfortable with the count down towards ghoul time and the sick girl. Apparently, the guy who answered the door never left the room and instead rang a bell to get the owner (which we never heard). When I opened the door we were immediatly attacked by the owner and both him aides.

My issue comes from after the fight my DM kept coming back arguing that my actions were unlawful. I argued against that.
1. The refusal to allow us in was suspicious
2. I knew the aide lied to us about the body being disposed of and that the man would be a ghoul.
3. We had a sick girl who limited our ability to get help.
4. We knew undead were a big thing, and that necromancy was illegal.

I feel my trying to get in was validated considering the threat and the limited time frame we had. I knew they were acting suspicious and lying, and possibly involved in serial killings. My other issue is that I have done a lot of lawful things that go unnoticed, but suddenly with this I am told I might have to give up my future monk levels.

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Question on the Confident defense ability from the enlightened paladin. It adds Charismas modifier to you Dexterity modifier for AC, but the bonus is still Dexterity. Scaled Fist adds Charisma to AC. I know there was an FAQ for an oracle ability + Enlightened Paladin, but in that case Dexterity was replaced by Charisma and you could not add Charisma to Charisma. Would Confident defense work with the Scaled fist AC bonus?

Hello, I ordered this a month ago and it is now past the 28 day shipping window. I also see the product (Spheres of Power) is listed as out of stock. Could I get an estimate on when this will be in and will ship? Is it also possible to get the pdf copy I bought before it ships?

About to do an inventory of all the wealth (just completed Champion's Belt) but when i audited them after Three Faces of Evil they were well ahead in WBL. I did notice that a lot of wealth seems wrapped up in one item (ring of spell storing, ring of counterspells). Really XP was a bigger issue as someone already mentioned.

Halek wrote:

A book filled with explosive runes. A cus

tom trap that casts greater dispel magic if the book is opened. What could go wrong?

That has nothing to do at all with the encounter or the Wild Watcher...

Hello, my party is about to enter A Gathering of Winds, but I am looking into the later adventures. I have five PCs, and I am reasonably certain they will spare the Wild Watcher in Library of Last Resort. He gives them his banners, but there are not enough for the entire group. What could I add for the fifth item so everyone gets one? I was thinking a circlet with his swarm abilities or his thorn cloak. Should these be limited activation?

So i have a huge undead worm with a bite that can grab. It also has haste on it, so it gets two bite attacks. My question is, if the first bite hits and successfully grabs an opponent, can the second bite be used to attempt to swallow?

Tarantula wrote:

Hopefully someone in his party has Create Pit. Its great for when the fighter gets confused and turns the lawnmower the wrong way. In this case it has the added benefit of probably moving him more than 30' away from anything else.

As far as the berserk goes, I also agree that he can attack for non-lethal, and doesn't have to attack himself at the end.

I will probably rule that the beserk effect is not intended to allow nonlethal, and he will need to attack for lethal (we do not do strict RAW if there is a solid case for reasonable intents).

The party arcanist does not carry Create Pit very often, so I doubt he will have it. He does usually have Ice Wall, so if he traps the paladin in the hemisphere I will rule that he can break the effect and drop the sword since he cannot perceive anyone within 30ft of him. I was also going to have the effect happen once he hits with an attack.

Jodokai wrote:
I only read the first post so this may have been covered but no the Paladin will not fall. He as to willingly commit the act.

It says "willingly commits an evil act, OR violates the code of conduct" so I assume if there is a stipulation about not attacking the helpless (which is in the case of my player's code) he will fall. However the atonement will count it as unintentional.

Can he still use Lay on Hands/Divine Bond?

For clarity the first round is a free for all between 4 gladiator teams, one of which it the PCs. Gladiators can surrender, and attacking a surrendered foe is grounds for disqualification (which he will have to deal with).

Hello, I have a situation I am trying to decide how to handle. The party is playing through the Champion's Belt for Age of Worms (adapted to Pathfinder) and currently have several cursed items that they are unaware of. The paladin picked up the +2 greatsword from the last adventure, which is in fact a sword of beserking. They are about to face the first match and I am concerned about several things.

1. Does the sword force him to kill unconcious people, or can he assume they are dead and not check?
2. Does attacking a surrendered foe cause him to fall? (Heironeous paladin)
3. Can he still lay on hands himself or use Divine Bond?

Hello, my PC got one of these in a recent adventure. He currently wants to ride it in combat. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? Does he need to train this griffon first? Would any saddle or armor be transformed into statue form, or would he need to re-saddle and re-armor it every time?

Hello, I have a group that just picked up several cursed items and did not beat the spellcraft to identify them as cursed. Is there any way to tell that the items caused this? Ones like the beserking sword are easy, but a periapt of foul rotting isn't. Is there a way to tell what is causing the curse?

Hello, I have a quick question; in Campion's Belt does the stat block for the ulgurstasta include the spell effects listed? So are haste and bull's strength already included in the block?

The only comparison we had at the time was the paladin's divine bond, which is worded similarly. The difference is that the paladin's is on a limit per day while the inquisitor can break up the duration. Also, it is because it says in the ability "before the duration expires", which to me means the duration is not paused when the weapon is dropped/taken.

Hello, I have a question that came up with the inquisitor's Bane ability. The ability reads: At 5th level, an inquisitor can imbue one of her weapons with the bane weapon special ability as a swift action. She must select one creature type when she uses this ability (and a subtype if the creature type selected is humanoid or outsider). Once selected, the type can be changed as a swift action. This ability only functions while the inquisitor wields the weapon. If dropped or taken, the weapon resumes granting this ability if it is returned to the inquisitor before the duration expires. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the inquisitor’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Our inquisitor was stunned and dropped her weapon. Based off the ability text were it says it resumes if retrieved "before the duration expires", does this mean the ability is still active after she drops it and consumes rounds?

Also what action is it to stop the ability?

Question: we entered a room and a barghest full attacked our barbarian, putting her near death. We retreated and it could not follow, so it attempted to charm monster our alchemist to enter the room. Would this be considered a suicidal/harmful action and be beyond the range of just a charm?

Question: does the bonus the Unchained Barbarian gets apply to CMB/CMD at all?

Thanks Kobold! I may use that sleight of hand and a similar roleplay encounter to what you provided! My PCs have known about the Champions Games and expect to compete, but I like how your diplomacy thing mentioned trouble up in Redhand. Also, one PC was upset that her mithril buckler did not do anything special vs the worms (knowledge check says the touch of silver kills them) so I was debating saying any mithril armor or shields would count towards touch AC vs touch attacks to place a worm (since they need to put it on a non mithril spot)

Hey guys! So about to start this module and was wondering if people could help on some stuff. Running this adventure path using Pathfinder.

1. Is there any way to deworm the potions? Had a hilarious moment where the negative wisdom arcanist force fed the unconcious war priest a wormed cure potion. Now that they are aware of the threat, they are looking at if they can keep the potions but get out the worms. I am not wanting to just give them auto success, but I feel they should have a chance to do this.

2. Treaty negotiation. They are excited to try and roleplay this out, so I was planning on creating some stuff for it. Has anyone got any advice on what I could do?

3. Any info that I should drop to foreshadow later parts of the path? The warpriest got a comment from the Greyhawk librarian about Bucknard/Balakarde being the last to research Kyuss.

I am seeing that Feral Combat Training was changed to not include that wording. Does that mean Ascetic Style just allows feats with the selected fighter weapon as if they were unarmed strikes?

Hello, I have a player wanting to go Ascetic Style on his monk, but I am having trouble determining what "effects that augment" are. Would this solely be his unarmed strike damage with the weapon?

See, but Dervish Dance came out several years before slashing Grace. I feel their similarities mean that the difference in wording is mostly due to time difference. It does specify no weapon or shield in off hand, which I think was intended to stop it working with two weapon fighting and by extension spell combat.

Hello, I have a player trying to build a DEX basd magus and I am having some questions with a few of the feats. He was looking at

Slashing Grace
Dervish Dance
Fencing's Grace

These all have similar language on allowing DEX mod to damage with specific weapons, but in the FAQ for Slashing Grace I see the following:
"What exactly does it mean that “You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied?” Can I use a shield? What about a buckler? Can I use flurry of blows? Brawler’s flurry? Two-weapon fighting? Spell combat?...Slashing Grace does not allow most shields, but bucklers work because they don’t occupy the hand. Flurry of blows, brawler’s flurry, two-weapon fighting, and spell combat all don’t work with Slashing Grace. "

Does this mean none of these feats currently work with the magus's spell combat?

Hey, a player of mine got the Inquisitor's Edge guide and I had a questionI could not find the answer to. The feat Hammer and Anvil is not listed as "teamwork" but reads "Benefit: When you and an ally with this feat are flanking an opponent and you are using power attack, you gain an additional +2 bonus to damage against the flanked opponent. The bonus changes to +3 with a two handed weapon and to +1 with an offhand weapon. Commentary – While precise strike does offer a damage bonus for flanking, I found there just weren’t enough offensive options among teamwork feats to support a strength based inquisitor. I designed this feat to help fill that gap."

The commentary and way it works makes me believe it was meant as a teamwork feat. Was it a typo that this was not labeled as such?

Hello, looking to build a kitsune swashbuckler, but I am confused about their shapechanger subtype. I read that the natural shapeshifting abilities allowed you to get around harmful polymorph effects such as baleful polymorph, but a fellow player said this wouldn't work. He said the second failed save would lower my mental abilities and prevent my shapeshifting. He also said that the only spell this would help me against was baleful polymorph, but only if I failed the first save and made the second.

My questions are:

1. Can the shapechanger subtype remove harmful polymorph effects such as baleful polymorph?

2. What polymorph effects are there that can be removed? (assuming I wanted to keep beneficial effects from allies)

Shar Tahl wrote:
Looking over the vows, it looks like the speed at which Ki is gained is related to the disadvantage of the vow. I don't see a vow of silence being that severe to be on level of Poverty.

I would argue that the penalty is severe enough, especially since Silence is more severe than Celibacy or Purity. It severely hampers communication and some skills such as bluff and diplomacy, and depending on NPCs might make communication impossible. There are ways around the vow, but there are ways around Poverty. Poverty is also good in a low magic campaign.

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So I was gearing up to play a monk with a Vow of Silence from Ultimate Magic. This is the first time I will be playing instead of DMing in years, and I was excited to try a different roleplaying style and thought me being less vocal would give our new DM more space. However I am not sure how to proceed; my copy of Ultimate Magic is second printing and lists Vow of Silence on page 51 as giving an increase of "1 ki point for every monk level he possesses." Online all the sources say that the increase is "1 ki point for every 6 monk levels (minimum +1)." Which of these is correct?

Howie23 wrote:

Summary through Post 114

Frequently Unknown Rules (through post 114)
Link to this thread

Change from SRD/D&D to Pathfinder

5. Paladin double of smite against some creatures is on first attack only.

Where does it say this? I could not find this under the smite evil ability.