Lady Andaisin

herkles1's page

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I have read the Cheliax companion book, which has filled me with a bunch of ideas for some games in Cheliax, though more information can be helpful;

1.) how is the church of Amadeus organized; being a highly lawful evil deity, I imagined it might be similar to the catholic church in the middle ages in hierarchy, but perhaps it is organized differently?

2.) are there any saints, prophets, and holy men that are apart of the Church of Amadeus? I might make some up for my own games, but wondered if there is any canon info?

3.) What sort of Sacrifices does Amadeus desire? James Jacob said in another thread that the goat is his sacred animal, so maybe goats? or perhaps slaves but they could also be not 'worthy' enough. I would imagine that prisoners of war, like captured rebels/terrorists and other assorted criminals might be killed off that way.

4.) What are the laws of Cheliax and the Church? One of my players has mentioned to me the concept of playing an inquisitor of Amadeus, so knowing the laws might be helpful.

5.) how does Cheliax view the new base classes added in the Advanced Players guide?

6.)is there a map somewhere that has the detailed maps of both isger and Cheliax together from the inner sea world guide? As Isger is a land in thrall to Cheliax, it would be nice to have a map of the whole Cheliax empire.

7.) What type of names are typical for cheliaxians? I know there is the list of names in the inner sea world guide and humans of goliarian, but still I would like more info on what type of names are typical for them. I have read some where in the forums that some use romans, others use typical fantasy, and others use italian names. I am curious which might be best?

