helo2920's page

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October 3rd and still nothing. As if getting scammed out of several hundred dollars the first time around wasn't bad enough, I was stupid enough to chip in another $26 for shipping a second time. God am I sucker. You got me again Paizo, well done.

I received two codes, but I'm pretty sure my order is messed up. I added both codes, and the page showed both codes as being redeemed at the TOP of the page. But at the BOTTOM of the page it only listed one of the redeemed codes and was only charging me $13 rather than $26. I ended up with two submitted orders, but they both appear to be from the same code.

In other words, I have no idea if this worked, if I will receive the product for both codes, or who I should talk to to address this.


I have two orders, with only one code used for both, and no way to use the second code because the site tells me it's already been redeemed. Can someone from Paizo advise what I should do?

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I was an all in backer. After receiving my latest Starfinder subscription Adventure Path module this afternoon, something clicked and I realized it was time to give up on ever seeing anything for my money. I've cancelled my Paizo subscription and will be moving on.
There's zero point in investing any more time, money or emotion into this situation.

Good luck to all involved.