hallodx's page

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WARNING: English is not my mother tongue so expect lots of language mistake! Also correct me if you don't mind or that just annoys you, or you just don't understand what in the hell I'm talking about.

------ready? move on then!------
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FBHV6oDDZqlPnV04r1Jb1l9oJkds9Fp8-n7eb3A DQ7w/edit?usp=sharing

One day, I wandered if PACG has any competitive rule implied a lot, and the search result kindda disappointed me. So this is it!

Players will be split into max 3 sides. The Order try to keep the seal from anyone, the Cult want the power under the seal, and random adventurers... whatever.
Hide your identity, fool your enemy, get the Keys, and win the game!

------Please feel free to give me any idea or feedback!------