STATISTICS Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +3;CMB +5; CMD 18 (22 vs grapple or reposition)
Traits Indomitable faith, Magical talent read magic Feats Toughness, Skill focus (bluff)
Condition None
Acrobatics +10
Appraise +1
Bluff +12
Climb +5
Diplomacy +7
Disable Device +9
Disguise +3
Escape Artist +9
Intimidate +7
Knowledge(Local) +8
Perception +8
Perform(Singing) +7
Sense motive +7
Sleight of Hand +8
Stealth +12
Swim +5
Use Magic Device +8
Bonus on saves vs poison, +4
+2 to Escape Artist and Stealth
+2 to perception
With Favored Class Rogue, +1 to CMD vs grapple or reposition
Toxic 2/day, Fort DC 13
Low-light vision
Bardic performance 6 rounds
Fascinate DC 15
Inspire competence +2
Scroll, alarm
Scroll, charm person
Scroll, cure light
Scroll, lullaby
Scroll, detect magic
Scroll, grease
Scroll, disguise self
Scroll, hideous laughter
Scroll, summon monster 1
Scroll, expeditious retreat
Poison tattoo
Acid flask
Alchemist's fire
Holy water
Oil of taggit
Id moss
Striped toadstool
Blue whinnis
Cure light, potion,2
Thieves' tools, MW
Courtier's outfit
Courtier's jewelry
Explorer's outfit
Chalk, 10
Everburning torch
Signal whistle
Rope, silk
Grappling hook
Flint & Steel
Fortune teller's deck, quality
Belt pouch
Poison pill ring
Scroll case
Life history:
Spawn of a religious ceremony, Zarine was born the daughter of a human high priestess of Vritra and raised in the brothel which fronts the temple of that god in many-terraced Niswan, capital of Jalmeray. She picked up the habits of temple servants as well as the brothel inhabitants, but was not welcome there as an adult because of the toxicity of her very being, and was turned out in her late teens to make her own way.
Though her species is known in Jalmeray, it is also feared and reviled. She had difficulty obtaining work anywhere, until she chanced upon a merchant who wished to make inroads to the market north of the Inner Sea, far from Jalmeray. She agreed to work for him as a scout and spy, using whatever means necessary to obtain information, contacts, and allies for his trading empire.
She sailed out of Jalmeray happily, knowing that the barbarians of the north would be unfamiliar with her kind. The merchant bought her ticket and staked her some gold, which she used to buy equipment. Zarine passes herself off as a human, covering herself head to toe and putting henna tattoos across her forehead and down to her cheekbones. Her pupilless gold eyes she shrugs off as a family trait, unimportant if distinctive. She never removes her silk gloves or stockings in public, even wearing them under armor and adventurer's clothing.
Zarine is proud of being the daughter of a god, or so she sees herself. In her mind, the only explanation for her birth is that the god Vritra himself impregnated her mother during the ceremony. This gives her Indomitable Faith (trait).
She loves her mother and wishes to make her proud by expanding the realm of Jalmeray's influence.
She loves the holy symbol of Vritra that is worked into a necklace as part of her courtier's jewelry. Though she doesn't wear it all the time, it is dear to her, having come from the temple of her birth.
She will never admit to having been raised in a brothel and trained as a courtesan. Never. She would use those skills only when absolutely necessary.
She is embarrassed by the pattern of scales on her skin, which is delicately whorled in shades of tan and gold on the tops of her arms and back and pale sand on the insides of her arms and her front/lower face. She is always completely covered, down to thin silk gloves on her hands and stockings on her feet. She has henna facial tattoos across her forehead and down her cheeks to distract from the noticeable patterns there. The basis for her looks, though her pattern is in paler colors and less noticable.
Zarine fears and loathes snakes. (I feel this way about monkeys - hate the little buggers. They creep me out. Zarine feels the same way about her species' predecessors.)
Though toxic herself, Zarine fears being poisoned, attacked with poison weapons, etc. Nobody else should be venomous or allowed to use poisons! Just her! She believes the old 'live by poison, die by poison'.
She has an irrational fear of mice and other rodents after watching a boa constrictor eat one. The whole process disgusted her and she can't abide any of the participants. Ew.