gsubear97's page

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I run an archery based Inquisitor in another game, and do like archery. Since there is little healing to be had in this group, I may try to do a zen archer/cleric. Maybe ZA4/C3 or something along those lines.

I also thought about building something completely crazy and doing a Pathfinder Chronicler or something like that.

Thanks for the advice so far.

So me and a group of friends are playing a one-shot on Saturday and I'm the last person building a character, so I'm having a tough time deciding what to build.

It will start at level 7, the group so far is a rogue/paladin, a fighter, a combat 1st cleric, and two wizards. I'm not really sure of the builds of the wizards, but I'm pretty sure one will be universalist. One of the wizards will have a bard follower as well. The first three players are all front line and the wizards will of course be hanging back.

What do you think would make a good compliment? Only Core, APG, Race Guide, UM, and UC are allowed. Summoner is also banned. I really don't have any great feelings about what to play, hence the dilemma.

Hi everyone, I am running S&S as my first Adventure Path, having only run one module before this, and I have a question. My players all seem to be gravitating quickly to heavy armor and while I know that is natural for them in other games, I generally don't think of pirate ships as the best place for that.

I know that the Player's Guide warns them against this, but should I discourage this by having storms come up and having them fight in a storm or something along those lines? I guess mainly I want to know if there are rules that I should be looking at to govern them wearing the heavier armors?