Dr Lucky

gommer's page

37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Ok here is my two cents :-)

1. The sword of truth series. Terry Goodkind
2. The drizzt series. R.A. Salvatroe
3. The Dragonriders of Pern. Anne McAffery
4. and last but not least anything from David Eddings

Later :-)

All are very good ideas. As far as world background there isn't much. I don't play forgotten realms but use it as a back drop(I'm to lazy to draw my own maps). Just use the names and stuff and put my own stuff in.

But please keep the ideas coming. :-)

Hi guys just need some help. I am working on a new homebrew, and need some ideas for the BBG. I want him/her to be humanoid. I also only use the PHB and the race's books.

All ideas will give me food for thought.

thanks gommer AKA tral. Later :-)

Well I have some kinda bad news.. :( My wife is no longer going to be on.. But I will be on a lot. YEAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


WOOT I'M back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on WOW that is LOL..

another question how many more sigs do we need for the guild? If needed ill make an alt toon.


Hey Cos. I just wanted to tell you that YOU ROCK!!!!!!

The reason I say this is the help that you have done for me in regards to order #718743. You were right on top of answering my questions and responding.

When I had FINALLY gotten a hold of reaper it has taken two weeks to get a response. GGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in true adventuring spirit. (I raise my tankard to you with the highest respect)

P.S. YOU DESERVE A RAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry guys but I'm gonna be off WoW for about a week or so. I didn't realize that my game card was up until around 4 this afternoon. Grrrr....

But I will be back on as soon as I can alright..

The gomster

Your welcome. :)

Happy hunting

Fatespinner wrote:
Do you remember if it was a 5 or 10 level PrC? I know there's a 5-level PrC in the Complete Adv. called the Dark Hunter which might encompass some of the things you've mentioned.

Im sorry to dispute ya Fatespinner, but the dark hunter is in the complete warrior.

I just read over it and it sounds real close to what you are looking for. I hope this helps.

(P.S. It's on page 20 of the complete warrior)


Big GRATZZ!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just got all my paints, and the learn to paint kits from reaper. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now as soon as the new table leg gets here I can start. :)

Hey Cos. I was able to get a hold of reaper and they are gonna take care of it. Just thought you should know


I just need to toss my two cents into the mix.. Last night when we were together on WoW I had the most fun EVER. Granted I have only been playing for two to three months.

I can't wait till we run again... :)

Hey Cosmo I sent ya an E-mail. If you need more info give me a ring


Lilith wrote:
Cosmo wrote:

  • Shop at Paizo.com
  • I did that last week! :D

    Cosmo wrote:

  • Paizo
  • Paizo's Lords of the Boards
  • Both of those are nice, so is "Paizonians."

    I like the Paizonians. But thats just me.. :)

    Mark me down as a miner/jewelcrafter


    I'm on look for tral.. Thats me YEA!!!!

    Lilith wrote:

    I'll prolly play a Blood Elf Paladin myself. :) Forsaken/Undead characters are fun - cannibalize is a handy racial skill (I have a 17th level undead warrior on another server).

    Edit: Okay, Fallengrace, blood elf paladin, has been created. For crafting skills, I'll probably go with mining/blacksmithing.

    SO, to recap:

    Server: Velen.
    Side: Horde.

    Hi Lilith... I just set up a blood elf hunter his name is Tral. I hope to see ya on :)

    Can't wait until Monday... My order from Paizo will be here around 4:00 or so.

    YEAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    DREAM ON :)

    I'm a Taurus and a snake.

    Yup that means I turn 30 this month...

    (in a whispering voice) yeaaaaa...

    I am in the the semi desert of Utah. (And no I only have one wife) LOL

    Other then it being hard to find a good group there is AWESOME trout fishing here.

    Later from the beehive state.

    For me it is a toss up between axis & allies, and risk. I just love the fact that i can play to take over the world... :)

    SWEEET!!!!!!!!!! thanks for the input. :)

    very big grin!!!!!!!!!

    R-type wrote:
    Lilith wrote:
    I find that working with a single color at a time helps when I paint minis.
    Yeah. -You know what I'm finding really cool and fun at the moment? Monochrome technique painting. I love it.

    Ok dumb dumb question. What is the monochrome technique? Also one more question what type of paints do you use? I myself use the reaper pro series. I like the way that they are thin, and easy to mix.

    Anyhow thanks for all the info.

    Later Gommer:)

    Valegrim wrote:
    tell me about them; even if I dont; our group has about 16 battletech players and somebody else might; i know someone right off who will purchase them if they are metal. give the specifics... thanks. What I need are some of the books cheap :)

    Well they are the metal ones, and they are professionally painted. They also already have the hex bases. The Atlas is red and the catapult is a brownish gray metal color. neither one have any house insignia on them so you can do that yourself. By cheap. I mean I'll let them go for $10 plus shipping for both.

    Right now?

    Pink Floyd (Dark side of the moon)

    And CCR


    Valegrim wrote:
    Our new campaign is starting and we are doing all the fluff :)

    Hey Valegrim. I just saw this post, and was wondering if you would like a 3050 atlas and 3050 catapult? if so ill let'em go cheap!!!

    If ya want them shoot me an e-mail @ jonesja77@comcast.net


    P.S. just cant find anyone in utah that plays Battletech anymore. :(

    Vigil wrote:

    Check out www.coolminiornot.com

    They have links to all sorts of useful tutorials, and lots of pics by some really talented artists.

    This is a really cool site!!! very informative.. Thanks for the link :)

    The youngest of six, but 2 of my older brother's play. I'm also in the process of corrupting my nephew. Well thats what my sister says anyway.

    The Jade wrote:
    Gommer, where are you? I'm in Putnam Valley, NY. If you're anywhere nearby I could offer you a one day clinic that would set you well on your way. A decade ago I bought many thousands of figures and managed to paint about 100 <:) but they're quite good by anyone's standard. Well, except for those of feeble-minded fractious contrarians.

    I wish I was in Putnam valley!!!! But (SIGH) I live in utah. thanks all for the info. I will look into them all.

    Rhyan Garrow wrote:
    I have never understood the whole minis craze. it just seemed odd to me. Please explain why people are fasinated by little toy figures?

    I like doing them for use in my D&D games. I am also disabled from a car accident and nothing better to do.

    Hey all I have a question to put out there. Where is a good place to get info on technique for painting minis.

    Thanks in advance for any info

    I agree with Fatespinner. I have also just received my first order from you guys, and there was a free pack of item cards. Which i like very much and can't wait for my next order to come in.

    And in advanced to all at Paizo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cosmo wrote:

    Ever since I started listening to KEXP or WOXY, I haven't had this problem.

    However (to remain on-topic) if I'm ever in a situation where I have to listen to the worst band ever, Creed (NSFW), I will seek some manner of weapon for use on either the source or myself.

    Even Jesus hates Creed.

    This is sooo true. CREED MUST DIE!!!!

    ok here goes *sigh*

    Geoffry the White has not participated in any online campaigns.