Dr Lucky

gommer's page

37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Hi guys just need some help. I am working on a new homebrew, and need some ideas for the BBG. I want him/her to be humanoid. I also only use the PHB and the race's books.

All ideas will give me food for thought.

thanks gommer AKA tral. Later :-)

Hey Cos. I just wanted to tell you that YOU ROCK!!!!!!

The reason I say this is the help that you have done for me in regards to order #718743. You were right on top of answering my questions and responding.

When I had FINALLY gotten a hold of reaper it has taken two weeks to get a response. GGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!

So in true adventuring spirit. (I raise my tankard to you with the highest respect)

P.S. YOU DESERVE A RAISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Cosmo I sent ya an E-mail. If you need more info give me a ring


Hey all I have a question to put out there. Where is a good place to get info on technique for painting minis.

Thanks in advance for any info