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Please cancel my subscription for Pathfinder Adventure Path.

I would still like to receive book 6 of War for the Crown, which is already processing, so that order does not need to be cancelled. Only cancelling for future APs.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Thanks for this! I'm personally pretty set on using the actual traits whenever we get them (I don't want to get into the sticky situation of "but I liked the homebrew trait better...") but the information as a whole is going to be super helpful for my players. A few of them are already revising their characters and tweaking backstory to fit a little better.

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Sub-Creator wrote:

I'll have to agree with the bag on this one . . . This is a free product that they hand to us out of the kindness of their heart. Let's not get too carried away people. I know that we all have games we want to play. Patience is the word of the day. Let's maintain, and they'll get it to us when they get it to us.

Until then: Relax. (That's the word of the day for tomorrow.)

That's all well and good, except that the AP itself, the one that isn't free, refers to information that's only in the player's guide. So if they don't have to get us the player's guide, then I'm going to say they should include complete information in the actual AP.

I think you'll find that many people are pretty relaxed, just mildly frustrated that they may have to let their players down for another week -- it never feels good to tell someone, "hey the game you've been looking forward to has to be postponed." In all my time DMing, it's never felt good, no matter how good the reason.

I understand the complications with getting the player's guide out, is there really no way to get at least the campaign traits out earlier? I won't run without the player's guide for a number of reasons, but I don't want to disappoint my players either. The traits are the most important to my table, though.