gfrobbin84's page

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Thank you feytharn very through and helpful.

Hey I am new DM and new to Pathfinder and the setting but long time D&D player with lots of experience with all editions from 2nd ed on. Since I am new to this world though and noticed there is not just one big book on the world I was wondering which campaign books focused on areas used in the Rise of the Runelords AP so I can tell my players about them if they ask, and I know my wife, who is totally new to RPGs, will. Planing to start on January 6th so got a little time to research and mainly just gonna focus on the area's mentioned in the starting module Burnt Offerings, so any suggestion on where to focus my research would be greatly appreciated.

Also on another note I know the AP is designed for 4 players but I have 6 players so any advice on how to adjust the encounters for the larger party would be appreciated as well.

If multi-class archetypes are allowed you should try this one by Elghinn Lightbringer. It gives you a lot of the goodies of both a paladin and a barbarian no spells or mount but most the other good stuff rage, smite, auras.

forgot to post a link: