gambroe's page

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I know this may be a question for "Homebrew" section of the forum,but I also wonder if this would be a rule that follows the concept of the game or not. I was thinking that a character may have a chance to "naturally heal" itself during a turn. I propose that at the beginning of a character's turn (just after the blessing deck was advanced one card) a character may have an option to "heal" one random card and that will be the only action that character performs that turn. That character may not give a card to another, cast any spells.... The plus side to this is you have added one card (at random) from your discard pile to your deck. The payment you must makes is 1. No other actions that turn. 2. You have advanced "the blessing deck." Therefore, you have advanced time. This may be a way characters who do not have healing powers, spells, or items may have an opportunity to do so as long as that character is willing to pay the price.
Anyhow, it was a thought, and would like your thoughts if this would be a viable option or if it would be deemed "illegal."
Thanks and have a good one!

I was just trying to navigate paizo website for pacg.....and saw that pacg was off of paizo's from page? Is there news about the game we haven't been told yet or is the site down????? Any ideas?

I have seen several posts on creating character cards, but I don't recall seeing a post on creating other cards such as boons and barriers...
I was wondering if there was a certain process to come up with the numbers to acquire boons such as weapons, allies, items.... when creating cards? Is there a specific formula? Certain guidelines? Or just a number you think would be a good number to use? Any input to this would be very helpful!
Also, while I am at it, how does one come up with a number to defeat a barrier too (when creating cards)?

Any insight to both questions would be great!

First of all, I have learned a great deal on most of the aspects of this game by reading the messages on this forum. Thanks to all for your insight! It has helped me understand this game greatly! There is one thing I would like some clarification on. That is playing against a siege deck (found in "Dragon's Demand" & "Fangwood Thieves"). I understand about separating the banes from their locations to form a siege deck, and that you should "explore" the siege deck first each turn. What is confusing me is 1. Do all story banes go into the siege deck and none into the location decks? 2. If that is true, when do you go from the siege deck to the location decks? I understand if all location decks are closed, the game is over and you lose, but if you are only playing against the banes in a siege deck, you would think you would never get to the location decks to acquire any "loot"? Am I missing something or misunderstanding something? Any help clarifying this would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!