
gabryl's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Silver Crusade

I've been GMing since before second edition... and have DMed/GMed a lot over those years...

I'm looking for a good PFS game to play. I teach at University and have a lot of time where I can post...

I have an Alchemist 4.2 I'd like to play, or something else higher (I have a few to choose from). I also just picked up a Sylph Boon in trading, so am considering a Sylph Rogue. I could GM Credit him to level 2 or 3... or start at 1....

GenCon showed me again how fun it can be to NOT be the person in charge of the game... so I'm looking for that here. (because in person, I have that "GM Curse".... always a GM, never a Player...)

Silver Crusade

Hi all!!

I have 4 tickets to Siege of the Diamond City, but a group of 5 that wants to play. I've read that Generics aren't an option this year...

So, does anyone have a spare ticket to this event? I'd be willing to reimburse you.... or if there's a boon sheet that's granted by the event, I'd be willing to give mine over...

Or I could be your friend.

Or I could sing your praises through the gaming hall...


Silver Crusade

Hi there,

In a mad rush to get some friends' characters ready for Gencon, We're trying to run a few modules between now and then... and the one everyone wants to do this weekend is Dragon's Demand.... I bought it... downloaded it.... read it.... am happy with it...

but where do I find the Chronicle Sheets? It's not listed yet on the Additional Resources Page.....

Am I just rolling 1 on my perception check here?

Thanks for info!!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Hey all,

I know that there're lists on the "other resources" area for this, and I've found a few compiled lists (that seem to have been updated a couple years ago at the most recent)...

I'm looking for a list of ALL the legal Alchemy items that can be made/purchased in PFS.

I have a player who is considering an Alchemist who wants to really get into the crazy stuff for himself (she knows she can't trade/sell the items). She also knows that she would need to own and bring the resources to games... but she's basically looking for a complete list of the items so she knows what she needs to buy. ;)

And for the record: Unstable Accelerant is NOT legal, because it's from Advanced Race Guide under Hobgoblin items... right?

Silver Crusade

So I'm pretty new... done three sessions... and got two very different explanations about how to purchase things in PFS.

Say I want a +1 Agile Shortsword. That would cost lots... 8k+. I have already purchased a Masterwork shortsword...

So, if I understand things correctly, I could already (if I had the GP on my sheet) make that masterwork shortsword +1, because that's listed in the "always available" section.

To give it that specific enchantment (Agile) what would I need to do?

I *think* I need to wait until my FAME reaches a certain level. (right?)

Do I need to wait until the fame covers the cost of the WHOLE +1 Agile enchant, or do I just need the fame to cover the cost difference going from "+1" to "+1 Agile"?

IS there some way to "buy" a weapon like this through PP?

I THINK that if I were to find a "+1 agile shortsword" on a chronicle sheet, it wouldn't matter what my fame was, as long as I had GP...

Any advice is helpful!!

Silver Crusade

I played pathfinder for the first time this last week and have senarios sheets with my newly assigned pathfinder number; but I can't find my registration card with the online code. I really like the character I made and would like to keep him and get credit for those three games I played. Is there any way to do so?
Thanks in advance!

Silver Crusade

I played my first game in a bar... That may have something to do with why I can't find the registration card. I have my three senarios sheets with my player number... But not the online codethingie. Is there a way to still keep this character??