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![]() So I ran my first game in a while tonight. I've been really excited about the new adventure path Kingmaker. I've gotten my players really excited about it too. Hopefully we'll be able to play on a weekly basis. However, in my enthusiasm, I made the mistake of wanting to share with the community here at Paizo my impressions of the game session. After finding the right area to post it and giving what I thought was a brief synopsis of what happened during my game, I realised that it had taken me just under 2 hours to write all the things I wanted to, which in my opinion wasn't that much, I don't type too fast. At this point I really need to go to bed so I hit the submit post. Big mistake! The next thing I know I'm on Paizo's main page! Everything I had just done was wiped clean. Thanks guys! Now after a great experience with my players, I get to end my day with a bad taste in my mouth. Two hours of what should have been sleep if not for my enthusiasm, has now turned to ashes and wind. Consider this a statement of intent to NOT place any kind of journal on this web site. ![]()
![]() I'm looking for some feedback for this Prestige class that I put together, working with the Dragoon of Final Fantasy fame and adjusting it themeatically, though not too much in my opinion. I am going to be running the Kingmaker AP and a player wanted to try this out. Is it balanced and fun? Any thoughts are appreciated. Dragon Warrior Throughout history, some people have feared dragons, while some have held them in awe, sometimes to the point of worship. Originally an organization created to keep a watch on dragon-kind, especially the chromatic type, Dragon Warriors considered themselves a policing force to keep dragons in check, to balance their influence on civilization. More recently, this goal has fallen by the wayside due to a lack of leadership within the organization. More often, those trained in the ways of the dragon warrior can be found as bodyguards and sell-swords, seen as little better than the various warriors around them. Dragon Warriors know better.
Roll: Dragon warriors are focused force, doing greater damage than other classes in one shot, but paying for it with a harsher recovery time. While they can do a passable job as a fighter, it's when up against a dragon that they truly shine. Alignment: Any neutral, as even now they still are striving for a sort of balance, though a balance of what is left up to the individual. Hit Die: d10 Requirements:
Class Skills
Class Features
Dragon Specialization – At first level, the Dragon Warrior chooses the type of Dragon that is the focus of their studies. This gives a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks involving dragons of this type, as well as a +2 to Will saves versus this type of dragons fear effect and spells, and a +1 versus other types of dragons. The Dragon Warrior also gets a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against their chosen dragon types. Dragon Specialization does stack with the Favored Enemy class feature.
Improved Combat – At 1st level, a dragon warrior may choose any combat feat with the word Improved in its name as a bonus feat regardless of whether they have the prerequisites. Improved Charge – Dragon warriors specialize in the charge action to pierce the thick hide of a dragon, and this is where their main focus of their training is on. When doing a charge (see PFRPG p 198), a dragon warrior deals double damage with a piercing weapon, or triple damage with a lance. Jumping Charge (Ex) – This feature is what has inspired fear of the dragon warrior throughout the known world. At 2nd level, a dragon warrior gains the ability to charge while disregarding any terrain penalties, as a dragon warrior jumps horizontally at the target. A dragon warrior is able to bypass all terrain and hindrances for a number of squares equal to half the dragon warriors ranks in Acrobatics . Vertical distance is determined as per normal by an Acrobatics check. A dragon warrior then gains the Staggered condition for 1 round. Dragon's Gait (Ex) – At 2nd level, and every 3 levels afterward (5th,, and 8th), a dragon warrior's training enables her to move an additional 10 feet. In addition, falling damage is decreased by 10 feet as per the Monk's ability Slow Fall for every 3 levels. Tactical Retreat (Ex) – A 3rd level dragon warrior can, after a successful Jumping Charge, retreat back exactly the way they came, up to what is left of their move. This does provoke an Attack of Opportunity, though this can be avoided with a successful Acrobatics check (see PFRPG p 88) as though moving through a threatened area. Dragonfear (Ex) – Starting at 3rd level a dragon warrior can, as part of a Charge maneuver, seem so intimidating as to exude an aura that frightens all opponents of lesser Hit Dice around them. This causes all creatures within 10 feet per dragon warrior level to become shaken unless they make their Will saving throw (DC=10+1/2 dragon warrior level + Charisma modifier) This is a free action usable once per day. At 6th level the effect it is usable twice per day and all creatures who fail their save become frightened. At 9th level it is usable three times per day and all creatures who fail their save become panicked. Any who are successful in their will save cannot be affected by this ability for 24 hours. Crushing Blow (Su) – At 4th level, a dragon warrior can imbue their weapon with magical energy for a short period. The weapon temporarily takes on the bane magical enhancement. Activating this ability is a standard action and requires the appropriate Knowledge check against the creature (see PFRPG p 99) by the character. This action can be sustained for a number of rounds equal to the character's total levels plus Constitution modifier per day. Heavy Evasion (Ex): At 4th level and higher, a dragon warrior can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Unlike other types, this Evasion can be used with whatever type of armor a dragon warrior is wearing. A helpless dragon warrior does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Greater Combat – At 5th level, as a bonus feat, a dragon warrior may choose a combat feat with the word Greater in it, for which they have the Improved version already. Vigorous Charge (Ex) – At 6th level, a dragon warrior can attempt several extra Jumping Charges in a round, and suffer no penalty during this time. This action can be used against a single creature, or more than one, if the characters move allows. Each attack acts as moving 10 feet, like the minimum movement for a charge, even if against the same target or one 5 feet away. Afterward, a dragon warrior becomes fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the extra attacks she continued the Jumping Charge after the initial attack. If done while fatigued, a dragon warrior becomes exhausted, and can no longer do any charging Death From Above (Su) – At 8th level, a dragon warrior gains the ability to fly, as per the spell, for a number of minutes per day equal to your dragon warriors' level, with a speed of 60 feet and good maneuverability. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1 minute increments. Dragon Specialist (Ex) – After much studying and trial and error a dragon warrior gains great knowledge on all dragon types. Any time a dragon warrior is dealing with a dragon, an inherent bonus +2 is added to all relevant rolls. This bonus is also added onto any static numbers such as Caster Level, CMD and saving throw DCs. This bonus stacks with Dragon Specialization. ![]()
![]() In the last gaming session I had with my players on Saturday, they were starting the assault on Thistletop. One of the things that popped up as we were playing was the drowning rule, or more specifically how long they can hold their breath. Under the swim skill it states that when underwater a player can hold their breath for Con rounds before starting to drown. Meanwhile under underwater hazards, which also has the rules for drowning (kinda redundant if you ask me), holding your breath is listed as 2xCon rounds. Now this wasn't really necessary as my players' (yes, that is plural!) weren't underwater anywhere near that long, but still confused the heck out of us.
![]() OK, since I couldn't find any discussion about Psionics within the Beta section, I've decided to start my own (wasn't that nice of me?). I'm hoping to get some serious feedback on this and will probably be posting feedback on what has been placed on the older threads. Psionics have in the past gotten a serious crapper put on them for various reasons that, while some reasonings are deserved, some are not, but in the interest of being fair I've looked at the system and tinkered around with it to hopefully adjust some of the major concerns that abound about the present 3.5 system (*cough*overclocking*cough*) Probably one of the main mechanical problems that people have with the psionic system is it's lack of a weakness; being able to blast away with your highest level powers round after round after round and at mid to high levels, not really caring about such an action. Inexperienced players with psionics would certainly do this as they want to put a beastie that just surprised them down hard and fast. The arcane players (Bard, Sor/Wiz types) have to carefully plan what they want to cast as they want to save their big guns for whatever BBEG is ahead. Whether this would happen in your campaign or not is not the question, it's all a problem of what could happen. Experienced Psionic characters know that they wouldn't want to do this, but it's the fact that it CAN happen is the problem with the overclocking issue. So a limiter of some type must be put in place. However, rejoice! For I have found your solution for this problem, one that can be unique to the Pathfinder Psion. It's simple: for every Power point spent on a power of whatever source, an equal amount of non-lethal damage is applied to the character. Suddenly pumping out all those high-level powers doesn't seem too appealing does it, especially if you can end up unconscious real quick from abusing your powers too much. Seriously, fantasy novels are full of channelers who use up too much power and promptly pass out from doing too much. As your level goes up so do your hp and power points, but the pp's outstrip hp's fairly quickly. Just imagine a 6th level psion could conceivably end up with 47 pp and 31 hp. You may have the power points to throw out an energy ball multiple times to take out all the enemies, but you would also knock yourself out rather quickly, not mentioning if you take any actual damage in addition to your non-lethal. Suddenly a psionic character would have to be very careful about how to spend his PPs. Now this change would not take much to incorporate into PFRPG, just a paragraph or two to describe (if that much), the flavor seems, to me at least, still in harmony with psionics, and gives the psionicist a stronger penalty (yes James Jacobs, I'm talking to you) to the whole overclocking issue. Who's the first taker on this discussion? Anyone?... Anyone?... Bueller? |