ffujita's page

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Let me say that I completely understand the problems that that IT people are going through -- my problem is with Paizo not managing expectations properly. First -- on the humble bundle page, it needs to say "Due to unanticipated demand, your purchase won't be available for one week." or whatever their anticipated timeframe is.

Then, they need to have a way to allow customers to request, once, the files that they want -- and have those files show up without further intervention. If I could request that the files be e-mailed to me, then I could ignore everything, go about my business, and they'd be delivered, a bit later than I'd like, but no problem.

But, since I have to continue to interact with their problematic interface to have any chance of getting the product -- and if I don't interact with the problematic interface I won't get the product. I'm upset.

Once again, I understand the technical difficulties. But management needs to step up, and allow us the option of getting a delivery of the product, without further interaction with their system. Then they can take their time in doing it.

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I buy humble bundles all the time -- and this one is the first time that I'm asking for a refund. No matter how big the bundle, I've been able to get everything in less than a half hour. Paizo is the exception. If they aren't able to deliver in the typical humble bundle time frame, they should at least indicate that fact on the website *where they take your money.*

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And yet, you *DID* have 700 cash registers. You took money from those 700 cash registers, but you didn't stock enough soup to make good on all the purchases from those 700 cash registers. The problem isn't cash registers -- Humble Bundle has *all* the cash registers in the world. The problem is a lack of stock. If you can only handle 1000 customers a day, then you shouldn't let Humble Bundle sell more than 1000 bundles a day. To do so is irresponsible. This is a foreseeable problem. It happens to companies all the time. Just like a hard drive failure. You prepare for them, or not -- and accept the consequences.