exoicho123's page

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My question (which I have never gotten a real response to yet) to people who want all of a race to be evil is what does it add to your game?

Like, it clearly reduces the depth of any narrative you could possibly be telling. It clearly reinforces a mentality that's lead to God knows how many actual IRL people being killed, enslaved etc. I've never had somebody tell me what's actually good about it.

I saw one person say that races should be different and not like humans. Okay, but why in terms of alignments? Orcs can see in the dark, have tusks, and developed specific cultures. That is different than a human. How does adding on "also they're barbaric and tribal and literally all evil" add anything of value to anyone other than people who want to dogwhistle their problematic beliefs?

I'd like to hear an answer to your questions as well

but your use of that word is so unbelievably unnecessary that I had to point out your obnoxiousness.

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Cantriped wrote:

I'm annoyed at how obvious it is that the conversion was simply lip-service. Most of the prices are still noted in Gold Pieces instead of Silver (which would make more sense for a Silver-Based Economy), or Platinum (which would make more sense if the goal was to collapse the big round prices into smaller numbers).

Regardless, using SP and GP as they are is simply making it seem like certain things are less expensive than they really are.

Well, it also makes it feel like if you get a sack of gold, you're actually rich

to new players especially, I've found the way gold is so easily spent really puts them off.

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boy, imagine how long and arduous the core rulebook would be if every single -what if- scenario had to be answered in book, and people didn't just trust their GM's to make sure completely nonsensical things like your examples not happen.

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the DC for the battle medic feat is 20, isn't it? that's not exactly super consistent healing for most characters at earlier levels, and at later levels I'm not sure how good it'll be.

Beast Weener wrote:
exoicho123 wrote:
its absolutely ridiculous that we don't have clickable hyperlinks yet.
In this free of charge rough draft document that's 400+ pages long.

free of charge? its a play test. We're not benefiting from this more than THEY ARE.

BryonD wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Welp, finally Pathfinder is heading into the direction where nerds with too much free time won't be automatically at an advantage over new/casual players due to system mastery.

You play PvP Pathfinder?

I keep my game on the complex end of the spectrum. And I've piked up three "never played before" new players over the past three years. In every case things were explained as they came up and fun was had by all.

I mean, I really find it shocking that people whine about the learning curve of system mastery.

I can only speak for myself but it really is off-putting to me to play a role playing game with people who are more experienced, and without even a minute of talking about role playing, they start discussing intricacies of a system that for no reason has to be this complex or thought out. I mean, perhaps that's just my style, and I don't like the complexity. I came to look at PF 2E because I found 5e TOO boring and samey, but PF a bit too complex. I feel like 2e is hitting a good middle ground for players like me.

It doesn't help that the people I see constantly theorycrafting are actual neckbards, and the people I see playing 5e only seem to have an interest in critical role, but hopefully my experience might allow you to see a person like me's perspective.

I really haven't read any classes much other than Paladin, since that's what I have made for my upcoming game with my friends, But I must say, I absolutely agree with you about the Paladin changes, aside from the alignment restriction.

I must ESPECIALLY agree that the nerfing of detect evil is one of my happiest changes I've noticed thus far.

its absolutely ridiculous that we don't have clickable hyperlinks yet.

Bruno71 wrote:
According to the "Playtesting the Game" blog post, I understand that the playtest will focus on each chapter of Doomsday Dawn during certain weeks (part 1 on 8/2, part 2 on 8/27, etc.) But it also said that the playtest closes on Dec 31st 2018. What is that deadline in reference to? Is that the last chance to submit surveys? Our group might only get through 1 chapter per month, so we won't be able to finish the whole adventure by the end of the year.

its not like they can stop you from using the files you downloaded

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This is the most nonsensical thing to care about

how does it change the way you play in any single factor now that the term in the book is ancestry?

just call it a race when you talk to your group. Who cares?