erexere's page

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I voted for Chase on Charred Ground and A Prayer for the Fallen.

This submission was reminiscent of the intro scene to Indiana Jones. He snatches the idol, and the all sorts of nasty traps start cascading during Indy's mad dash for the exit. I really liked the setup and the sled event, but when the volcano erruption is thrown in, I grew skeptical. Some reasoning for this would make the whole setup that much better.

Apparently volcanos are capable of forming very speedy conditions, enough for this mountain biker to set a land speed record. If I DM this encounter I'd probably add seat belts to those sleds.

I liked the overall flavor of this encounter. It had a few problems that could be fixed with minor edits, but overall has strong potential with it's classical underpinnings. Good religious context, strong story, challenging fight in a small space with consequences for collateral damage. Is the element of slipping into perdition enough to propel this into RPG superstar territory? I think yes, but barely. Overall I've liked the majority of Russ Taylor's submissions, let's see him through to another round.