eido panski's page

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I find the wording in the guide a little bit confusing

Regular Way is :
Ancestry - 3 Boosts 1 Flaw (unless human)
Background - 2 Boosts
Class - 1 Boost
Determine Scores - 4 Boosts

Total - 9-10 Boosts, 0-1 Flaws

The Alternative says Roll Dice
Mention Ancestry gets one fewer free Ability (so 2 boosts 1 flaw)
and Background gets 1 boost only

Total 2-3 Boosts, 0-1 Flaw

am I correct?
or do they also Get Class and Determine Scores Boosts as Usual?

also Rolling dice has a hard cap of 18, while the regular way can add more then 18 (but at half price)