ed lambert's page

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Silverjdt wrote:
Also im confused how to incorporate the spells onto a pc so that i can highlight and read the spell as in some of the pregenerated examples.

I also have tried to incorporate the spells in this way using combat manager... I too would love to be able to generate a PC, and select spells that can later be highlighted for a description of the spell.

do you think it might be possible to add a "reserve hit points" number?
I use a system where regular hit points can be recovered with reserves, there are reserve hit points. The reserve hit points have a maximum too. and then when there is healing of hit points over and above regular hit points, the reserve hit points are replenished.

Would it be possible to add in an option for reserve hit points?

Hello, Need help...
When I apply an affliction to a character, there is a box to the right of the poison or disease name and to the left of the red "x" square.
When I put numbers in that box, nothing seems to change. What is that box for?
Can an affliction automatically change abilities or other variable?

More to the point, are the affliction additions just for notes and the changes have to be made manually?
Do the afflictions make internal adjustments to the stats from there effects?

Thank you...

I didn't find an entry for "Total Defense" in the rules section.